Irina krasheninnikova: the modernism of the 70s

Двухкомнатную квартиру на ВДНХ дизайнер Irina Krasheninnikova спроектировала для 65-летней дамы. В типовой блочной башне (серия И-209) создала нетиповой интерьер. Он выполнен в духе модернизма 1970-х, соответствует архитектуре дома и напоминает хозяйке о годах ее юности.

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The interior is little associated with the apartment of an elderly lady: the polymeric self-leveling floor, in particular, is unusual. Softline bed, Objet de Curiosité table, sconces and SLV spotlights.

The landlady loves to take children and friends, so she needed a large, comfortable table and a sofa bed in the living room for visiting relatives. It was also important to find a place for a large library and dressing room so as not to clutter the small rooms with closets.

Since the customer lives alone, the layout with adjacent rooms did not frighten her. But now all the windows are visible from the center at once and the apartment seems larger than it actually is.

Requirements of the customer were reduced to the functional filling of the apartment, in all that concerns the style, the designer was free. That is why such an interior appeared, a little associated with the apartment of an elderly lady. The palette, built on shades of gray, refers both to the color of the facade and to the mood with which the author associates the seventies.

The author asked a beautiful entrance axis: on entering the apartment, we immediately see the living room, and not the corridor to the kitchen, as it was before. The designer left the kitchen in the previous boundaries, but changed the entrance to it, which made the room visually more spacious. Dining table Archpole (Russia), soft chair Pranzo. Breakfast table: Fineobjects (Russia). Wooden chair: vintage, redesign I. Krasheninnikova.