Fredrikson stallard: the magic table-geridon

Fredrikson Stallard released this year a table-geridon with the promising name Gravity (“Gravity”). Recognized stars of British design, Patrick Fredrikson (Patrik Fredrikson) and Ian Stallard (Ian Stallard) showed a work that “establishes a balance between analog and digital information, chaos and order, dynamics and statics. New is not the material itself (acrylic), which we have chosen, or computer technology, but the balance between all opposites and contrasts inherent in this sculptural object, ”says Patrick Fredrikson. Gravity has an archtypical shape, a stable position, a comfortable size (height 58 cm), and cracks and fractures are combined with glossy translucent surfaces. Geridon has published and sells David Gill Galleries. Circulation 24 copies plus two prototypes.