American designers and decorators participated in the Brooklyn Heights Designer Showhouse. Each bureau was assigned to design one of the premises of the historic mansion at 32 Livingston, Manhattan.
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Elena Frampton, the head of the company Frampton Co, has created a living room design in a fashionable color scheme, decorated with collection design items. Her A successful enterprise known to all of California. The company’s portfolio includes more than forty capital-intensive projects. Diverse in style, which indicates that the desire of customers, their individuality and personal preferences here are put at the forefront. Architects and designers headed by Elena Frampton skillfully operate with large spaces, large objects, they know where to get valuable European antiques. Feel free to overdo the cult models in fashionable fabrics. They follow the trends and keep the level of American luxury.

“I'm not the designer who chooses one thing here, and then another one - there, for a long time. I like it when there is a master plan at first, and then we combine all the elements, ”says the designer. She usually starts with a painting or an expressive piece of furniture. Can use bold mixes and contrasting combinations, for example, Paul Evans's metal patchwork combines with expressionist painting and modernist sculpture. She likes the color. And not only calm blue, which she skillfully diluted in the living room with red and UV accents.

Her фаворит — оранжевый. Элена призывает использовать огненные цвета, такие как оранжевый — для фойе и коридоров, чтобы создать динамичную энергию, помогая людям эффектно пройти через пространство. Историк искусства она говорит, что часто бывает в галереях: может найти художника, полюбить его работы и ждать, когда появится подходящий клиент. Даже, если это будет два или три года. Еще одна причина, по которой клиенты любят ее, — она помогает ориентироваться в непростом арт-мире.

Frampton says that they turn to her not only for the knowledge that she brings, but also for her ability to serve as a mediator in the art world with an atmosphere of exclusivity, which sometimes interferes with feeling comfortable.

For Frampton the most attractive in interior design is the ability to apply knowledge of the history of art and architecture. "Ultimately, this is so exciting."