Color 2019

What color will be developed in the interiors of 2019? Night Watch or "Night Watch". Dark green was declared color 2019 by the American paint manufacturer PPG.

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Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PPG Industries is a global supplier of paints, coatings, sheet glass, fiberglass and other products. Its successful businesses operate in 60 countries. PPG continuously invests in the research and work of the global network on the selection of colors: its experts explore social and demographic aspects, record the slightest changes in the situation and taste of consumers.

The green color of the Night Watch was chosen at the corporate summit by color, bringing together 20 international brands that operate in the automotive, aerospace, paint and varnish industry.

“The restorative power of nature is important to society now more than ever,” says Dee Schlotter, senior marketing manager for PPG, thinking. The dark green "Night Watch" brings to the surface our memories of natural environments in order to recreate the soothing, invigorating euphoria that we feel in nature. "

But be careful, this versatile shade works best in small doses. PPG suggests using Night Watch for accent walls in the bedroom or dining room, combining with elegant, golden accents and pink.