Case purse pierre charier

Rising star, French designer Pierre Charrié invented the unusual Wallet wardrobe. The name of the model is translated as “Wallet” - its shape is inspired by expensive wallets.

Related: French Design and Decor: New Names

The frame is made of oak, the hinged doors (mounted on magnets to the metal rail of the rim) are made of first-class leather. The model was implemented in conjunction with Maison Fey tanners (one of the oldest Parisian enterprises of this specialization). Doors of sliced ​​cream leather with inner side of indigo color were sewn by hand.

The cupboard was created as part of the Péri’Fabrique project, initiated by the Bettencourt Schueller charity foundation, which sponsors arts and cultural events. The task of the project is to combine the efforts of independent designers and craft workshops to create unique interior items, reflecting the author's concept and the performer’s maestria. The works of the Péri’Fabrique participants will be shown in the Paris Grand Palais as part of the Biennale of Révélations and Designer’s Days in the spring of 2019. The event is dedicated to the piece, the author's design from the masters and small workshops.