The Italian company has reached heights in transforming the beauty of nature. How is working with natural stone, says Alberto Antolini. “Love for the stone and admiration for its beauty. It is this passion that has always given us the determination and strength to dare, to move in new ways. We offer such interpretations of natural material that no one has previously created. An important feature of our work is the focus on architectural projects, as well as the attraction of famous designers. We focus on high-level cooperation in order to arouse interest in a product relevant to the market.
The company produces a wide range of products from marble, granite, onyx, travertine, limestone. They add elegance and chic to the decorated spaces, allow to place both bright and delicate accents, to achieve harmonious color transitions. Among the advantages of our coatings is not only the color variety, but also the richness of finishes - finishes, created thanks to unique processing methods and innovative technologies. Thanks to Antolini, for the first time in history, the consumer had the opportunity to purchase whole slabs made of semi-precious materials. Stones that were once used only for jewelry, such as amethyst, quartz, agate, jasper, now serve as a material for a refined finish, are transformed into spectacular panels, objects and accessories.
Основным критерием служит используемый материал — если речь идет о коллекциях «Мрамор», «Оникс», «Гранит», «Травертин», «Известняк». В отдельную группу выделены отделки из ценных пород камня — это Precioustone collection. Коллекция Shellstone предлагает различные версии из перламутра. Nature объединяет экспериментальные покрытия, полученные в результате «доработки» натурального камня: дизайн, созданный нашими мастерами, подчеркивает потенциал материала и его природную фактуру. Поверхности с декором, напоминающим мотивы дорогого текстиля, образуют коллекцию Texture+ (ее автор — Antolini Design Studio). Woodstone представляет мрамор в форматах, приближенных к геометрии деревянного паркета.
Each national market has its own characteristics associated with the cultural traditions and mentality of a particular people. Very often, lining materials, popular in some countries, do not find a buyer in others. In Russia, the Woodstone, Shellstone and Precioustone collections received the greatest recognition. If we talk about the world as a whole, among the marble coatings, Irish Green (Irish Green) is very popular, among the granite - elegant brown (elegant brown): it is mined in Brazil. Such finishes are decisive in the interior, creating an atmosphere of sophisticated, elegant luxury.
Project spa areas in a private villa using dark agate and golden jasper from the Precioustone collection.Along with the traditional rocks of natural stone (granite, marble, limestone, travertine) Antolini company works with semi-precious stones. First introduced in 2000, the Precioustone collection is updated annually, each new element is a real treasure. Now there are more than 100 variations of gem coatings. Amethyst, quartz, jasper, agate, feldspar, hematite, obsidian, tiger eye, etc., become first-class coatings. A variety of shades and textures ensures a wide geography: the stone is mined in quarries around the world, from Angola to Jamaica.
Antique material, closely related to architecture since antiquity, is one of the most sought-after Antolini products. The company's marble collection includes more than 300 grades. There are five varieties of arabescato alone! And how many incomparable green, red, blue variations - they will serve as a source of inspiration for the authors of the interior. However, the classic Italian white Carrara or black absolute black from Zimbabwe is no less worthy.
Septaria / Precioustone
Septaria (turtle stone). Precioustone.One of the elements of the Precioustone collection is Septaria (it is also called the snail stone). This is a mineral with a complex structure, in the cracks of which calcite, dolomite, barite, galena, quartz, pyrite crystallize. The large format of the slabs makes it possible to achieve a particularly expressive effect. The material is available in standard plates 277 x 147 cm, 2 or 3 cm thick, as well as in the new XL-format 315 x 190 cm, 3 cm thick. Cutting by individual sizes is possible.
Комбинация декоров Wave Gold и Wave Silver (колл. Nature) в шоу-руме Lifestyle компании Antolini в Вероне, диз. А. Ла Спада. Nature1 Nature2 Nature3 Nature4Группа коллекций Nature представляет натуральный камень в оригинальной трактовке: фактуры разработаны дизайнерами Доменико де Пало и Алессандро Ла Спада. Декор частично совпадает с природным узором, а в результате деликатной обработки удается получить разнообразные оптические эффекты — примеры можно видеть на фото вверху.
Blue agate, Golden caramel / Precioustone
Golden caramel. Precioustone. Blue agate. Precioustone.In the Precioustone collection, translucent rocks, such as, for example, agate, are of particular interest - they are proposed to be mounted with a backlight. It will enrich the space with a play of light and shadow. This idea is most advantageously combined with the Preciousglitter, Preciousgold and Precioussilver lines, where light blotches of shiny elements enhance the effect.
Quartzite Michelangelo. Rose Quartz.The luxurious palette of materials (including Rose Quartz, the same shade of color as the color of the year) is constantly updated. At the Milan Furniture Salon in April 2016, Antolini presented a series of new offers.