Finex: aged oak flooring

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, - the press services
Text: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N10 (165) 2011
FINEX factory produces solid oak flooring. The board is smoked and stained to reveal the rich, noble color of wood, and also treated with oils and impregnations for durability. Various inserts - from a stone, metal and other tree are used. For example, in the top-end model “Pierrefon”, along with oak there are elements from Karelian birch. The “Langery” model is made of dark and light oak (the color is determined by the mode of smoking the board). The factory works on exclusive technologies. One of them, laser engraving, FloGraf, was used to create the Alhambra parquet module (each module consists of several strips, the modules can be stacked differently - an individual drawing is obtained).