The crisis turned out to be a bitter, but useful medicine. He taught the main thing: saving. “Now I’ve become meaner in desires ...” However, this doesn’t mean that stylish exclusive interiors will no longer be born. Of course they will! Before you is a very recent example: a country house made in the post-crisis financial conditions by the creators of the famous "metal apartment" - architect Alexei Kozyr and designer Igor SeliverstovThis and this situationDifferences If you remember, in the sensational "metal" project there was a small area and a hefty budget. Here - everything is exactly the opposite: the area of the house is huge (700 m2, three floors plus basement), and the budget is more than modest. That, you see, is quite logical after the crisis.Matches First of all, customer requirements. They can be expressed by the words: "Do your job as you see fit, the main thing is that we like the results." Thus, sending the architect to "free flight", the customers in both cases completely trusted him. Not without reason considering that the architect will take into account their features to the maximum.Tribute The family has two children - a charming girl and son. Home improvement was managed mainly by the Hostess - a beautiful, affable woman with innate taste. The building with all the planning "cutting" of the premises was purchased by the family in advance. In the sense - until the moment when the acquaintance with the Architect took place. The latter was assigned the role of the Interior Affairs Master. Wishes to him were the most common, up to complete uncertainty.The project and its implementationDesign Injection Method The house, as already mentioned, is huge. To comprehend the whole 700 m2time is needed. It was missing. Therefore, the design went on in portions. The architect sought design injections, "injections" to achieve high-quality jerks of the whole process, its continuation. For he periodically stalled. For example, a fireplace in the fireplace room appeared long before the room itself was finished. Imagine: in the midst of piles of construction debris, suddenly, proudly ascends a kind of handsome man and a giant! - Here you will unwillingly want everything else to be "brought to mind" as quickly as possible. Due to this "island" design, the rest of the space of the house has been decided - in neutral volumes of the rooms, accentual "islands" float. But the architect did not begin to redevelop and do all sorts of "games with space", leaving everything to be honest square and rectangular. Why? First, the aforementioned undertakings are money, and considerable ones. And secondly, the Architect and Mistress were completely satisfied with the initial configuration of the internal space of the house. It was simple, but comfortable. She was at least neutral, but expressive. In other words - optimal."Divorce" with builders The builders were "their own", that is - the master. Therefore, from the very beginning, the Architect told the customers: "Let's write down what should be beautiful. And I will answer for this. The builders will be responsible for the rest - for the technology and quality of workmanship." On that and decided. "Divorce" was issued, and everyone became involved in his own business. The decision was successful: no one interfered with anyone and did not complicate life. The builders calmly and thoroughly refined the premises, using the finishing materials that the Architect had brought to them (if he believed that the final beauty would be associated with this) where necessary. The Architect himself and his Designer invented and produced on the side the main sign elements of their "island" design: a fireplace, an aquarium, a ladder, etc. And then they were simply brought and installed in the house.Style With all his previous works, the Architect has already earned himself the glory of a complete "brutalist." In this work, he again demonstrated his character, further advancing the high-tech style to the masses with the domestic military-industrial bias. The staircase, the fireplace, the aquarium, and the entrance doors also demonstrate the power and elegance of military equipment — tanks, fighter aircraft, aircraft carriers. But ... If in that apartment the style of the Architect sounded as concentrated and declarative as possible, here in the house it is perceived much more calmly. The objects of the interior seem to "float" in the air "oceans" that fill the premises. The house is not something that there is nothing superfluous, but the most necessary is chosen from the necessary. The result - space, emptiness, simplicity. And where there is an aesthetically meaningful emptiness, Japan and Japan's style are at hand. So, we can say that “Japanese style” is a subtle stylistic “wrapper” of this interior. Agree: the bluish sliding doors of the chimney hall and the dining room, the glass step of the dining room (if you look at the bottom and the side, the metal base of the step seems to be a hieroglyph), linen curtains on bamboo rods - all these touches give the brightest Japanese shade to the brutal minimalism of the interior.Designer "Islands"Hall Hall Entrance doors two. They are separated by a mini-vestibule, and the "inner" door is the author's one. It is massive, heavy, resembles a safe. On the reverse side, the door has two niches where narrow swivel mirrors are embedded - you can look at them like this and that before leaving the house. Hall is extensive. The floor is pinkish marble (optional). Right, left, straight - bluish (also optional Hostess) doors leading to the fireplace room, dining room, dressing room. These doors hide behind glass smoothness, like the waters of the sea, so far unexplored depths, the study of which we will postpone for later. And now - closely examine the stairs leading down and up. This is the main theme of the volumetric composition of the room. It is the staircase that gives the hall space the dynamics and character. All other interior details are nothing more than a background for it. The rhythm of run-up wooden steps, the clocking "barrel" of a little fallen to the side of a staircase fence, a broken melody of metal railings, sharp syncopations of fastener pins ... The musical metaphor of this staircase is techno music. Visual metaphor - ship's ladder.Fireplace Hall Pushing the right door to the side, we get to the parquet floors of the fireplace room. And he is huge and deserted. The width of the house and the height of two floors, the cap will fall, if you stare at the ceiling. The entire space of the hall is composed, conditionally, of three zones. The first, "front" - with a window in the entire wall, with three "cutting" lights and an internal square "window", from which half of the author's aquarium filled with sea water looks. This is the personification of the element of water. The second zone of the interior is a balcony with a metal fence, behind which you can see the children's doors. The third zone, the “fire-worshiper zone,” is located under the balcony, and in its center stands the author’s gigantic fireplace. He - the main thing in the house, the personification of the elements of fire, as well as a symbol of home comfort and family well-being - well-being. Home god, weighing a ton. A fireplace has a very interesting property: when you push it, it turns. Besides the fact that it just entertains, there is a practical sense in such kinematics: with the help of a fireplace, which starts playing the role of a screen, the hall can be completely differently modulated, highlighting its different zones. By the way, the metaphor of the screen is literal. Initially, the creators of the fireplace wanted to close it with thick glass, and then they changed their mind and hung a lot of rocking threads with “glass droplets” strung on them - as if a rain curtain had fallen to the ground. And the fireplace is a giant turning lamp. And when fire burns in it, it is interesting to observe how the flame is reborn into light. The aquarium in the fireplace room also “works” with a natural light. When absolutely all artificial light sources are turned off, due to the fact that there is a large window “behind the back” of the aquarium, it flickers with such an emerald crystal. It turns out very beautiful: in the emerald twilight somewhere high in green