
apartment with a total area of ​​170 m2

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Interview prepared: Olga Vologdina

Project author: Tatyana Mironova

Architect: Ivan Mironov

Magazine: N4 (137) 2009

New work of the architect Tatyana Mironova - Another variation on the theme "Interior in a modern style." How to strike a balance between conciseness and luxury, how to surprise guests and why classical tricks will never go out of style, says the author of the project

My task was to design a bright, modern interior with classic elements that create an atmosphere of luxury and respectability, says Tatyana Mironova. - Customers trusted my taste, because they turned to me on the recommendation of friends, whom I decorated the apartment. Many of my customers, who like the modern style, primarily mean the organization of space (for example, a single living-dining-kitchen) and, to a lesser extent, artistic characteristics. For me, this style is always a bit of fusion. He has no clear boundaries, he did not take shape completely, as, for example, ar-deko. Much depends on what the owners like. In this case, their wishes originally meant the principle of mixing different styles. I proposed a variant of modernized classics, when classical techniques are superimposed on a completely modern foundation.

Monochrome, laconic colors, built on a combination of white and dark brown, thanks to several accents, acquired a respectable gloss. The floor is lined with slabs of brilliant light brown imperator, which blends well with warm wenge. Mirrors, chandeliers descending from the ceiling by a crystal cascade, and leather sofas of coffee shade create a ceremonial mood. The warmth-cold contrast is enhanced by the glossy surfaces of the marble tops of the dining table and coffee table. All the rooms of the house, with the exception of the children's room, are sustained in this calm brown-beige range. The territory of the young girl, it seems to me, should be different from the space of the parents, so blotches of bright red appeared here (a chandelier with beautiful red roses, a retrotelephone, a pair of accessories of similar shades). In this case, everything is very smooth, and in general, its interior is not distracting from the general mood.

A special feature of the layout is that right from the entrance there opens a view of the living room and a richly served table. It was important to create a hospitable, open atmosphere, so that guests immediately understand that they are waiting. I think I managed to make a family interior in which it is cozy and comfortable. "

Project author Tatyana Mironova: "Work on this project was easy and fun. First, the customers knew pretty well what they wanted to receive, and secondly, they gave me complete freedom. The interior in a modern style, or, more precisely, in fusion, is always an experiment. mix elements of different styles, invent new solutions using classical tools and traditional techniques. The result is an individual, unique space "