Teatro opposite the theater

Teatro restaurant in Yaroslavl

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Project author: Nadezhda Chernigov

Magazine: (107)

The new Teatro restaurant is located directly opposite the famous Volkov Yaroslavl Theater. When the decorator Nadezhda Chernigova offered to do this project, she gladly agreed and everything came up in one hour! After two and a half months (the term is unprecedented!), The restaurant was ready. "For me, the theater is always associated with the Bolshoi Theater, - says Nadezhda Chernigov- that's why I transferred my feeling of its color and textures into this space. Red and burgundy colors of walls, sofas, tablecloths and curtains, gold-tinted wood, crystal chandeliers, theatrical plots of prints, a variety of mirrors, antique accessories, cloth-draped stairs and ceiling, wood-burning fireplace, front stage (VIP-zone) with heavy curtains - so It seemed to me, the restaurant should look like c name Teatro. Well, since this is not a theater after all, I added a little chocolate color to the interior. "