Our life goes uphill, now downhill and has a very gradual character, both in the figurative sense and in the direct. Without even noticing it, we walk up the steps of different stairs several times a day. But this material - those stairs, which is impossible not to notice

A photo: Dmitry Livshits, Andrey Avdeenko, - the press services
Leading headings: Elena Efremova
Magazine: (185) 2013
The staircase is one of the most impressive architectural details in the interior, whether it is residential or public or industrial. It belongs to the main transit zones in the room, and this is reflected in its design features, regardless of scale, style and abundance of decor. Most often, those ladders deserve our admiration, in the very construction of which there is a spectacular stunt or a special beauty of proportions that allow us to admire the rhythm and the intricate “flight” of the steps. One of the clearest examples of this is the spiral staircase: its concise and clear image does not require additional decorations.