Tommy D. restaurant in Moscow

A photo: Mikhail Stepanov
Interview prepared: Oksana Kashenko
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Portraiture: Elena Savina
Project author: Sergey Tretyak
Magazine: (151) 2010
Tommy D restaurant opened recently in Moscow at Tretyakovsky Proyezd. Actually, the name of the restaurant was given in honor of the famous Englishman Thomas Robert Dyuar, who is known in Russia for his brand of whiskey. Project author
Oksana Kashenko: What attracted you to the idea of the Quintessentially service?
Irina Volskaya: First of all, I was attracted by the fact that, in doing this kind of work, you are always aware of the main news and events taking place in the world. I am by nature an emotional and open person, I love to communicate and share information. Therefore, when four and a half years ago I saw an article about the launch of a service in Russia that can solve any issues and knows everything about everyone, I so wanted to work in it! The dream came true in just three months.
OK.: Каких запросов сейчас больше - на путешествия or на моду?
IV: 70 percent - on travel, but travel is no longer just a hotel and flight, it really is travel, including visits to theaters, museums, shops and fashion shows. People want to get something unusual, new, access to where you just will not be accepted, even if you are a millionaire - to private parties, to clubs, to private shows. Believe me, we have a lot of such people.
OK.: Клиенты интересуются интерьером, когда, отправляясь в путешествие, просят порекомендовать ресторан or отель?
IV: Basically no. There are members of the club who are interested in this because of their profession or hobby, we have 10% of these. Now it has become fashionable to be engaged in interior design.
OK.: It is known that customers often turn to Quintessentially to get one or another dress ... Have you ever been asked to find pieces of furniture?
IV: There are cases when clients make repairs and they have their own designers, but they turn to us so that we can recommend a third-party expert to them. There are also requests for counseling when visiting the antique markets of Europe. Even when customers go there with their decorators, the help and advice of local specialists will not interfere. Usually asked to help with a visit to the markets of Paris. But recently came an order for the purchase of furniture in China. Also our clients are interested in furniture exhibitions. There are those who regularly visit with our help the Milan Furniture Exhibition.
OK.: Have you ever been asked to find exits to famous architects? Did anyone want to place an order
IV: Однажды понадобился английский дизайнер интерьера. Мы наводor справки через лондонский офис, который с ним сотрудничает. В итоге все сошлось, и он сделал для наших клиентов дизайн квартиры. Часто просят порекомендовать голландских дизайнеров. Да и бельгийцы пользуются популярностью. Иногда хотят получить адреса фабрик, где можно купить ту or иную мебель. Как-то раз прислали картинку, вырванную из иностранного журнала, с вопросом, кто делал этот интерьер и что это за мебель... И не было даже названия журнала. Но мы провели расследование и в конце концов выяснor все, что хотел клиент.
OK.: Irina, do you use the services of your service?
IV: Yes, I do all my trips and restaurant reservations through my service. For design issues in Quintessentially, I don’t appeal: I have a husband with a unique sense of style and architectural flair. He even wants to get a second degree - architectural. We did all three repairs ourselves, and he also drew a sketch of the new house himself.
OK.: Interestingly, when choosing a hotel, what is most important for you?
IV: For me the interior is very important. If I'm going on a business trip, then in London I can live a few days at The Ritz, but, frankly, I do not like the smell of antiquity in hotels. I really liked the hotel in Saint Tropez, called La Reserve Ramatuelle. Curious, modern, minimalist interior, designed in the colors of St. Tropez - brown, blue, green ...
OK.: Where did you buy furniture for your home?
IV: Bought in Russia, almost all antique. We love antiques, but not classics with gold, but furniture of the Soviet period, Karelian birch, oak.
OK.: What is your luxury?
IV: For me, luxury is to be at home with my family, turn off the phone and, most importantly, do not think about work