Restaurant Red Fox (“Red Fox”) is located in the ski resort “Rosa Khutor” in the city of Sochi. And, of course, the style of the chalet is the most correct and accurate choice for such places ...

Project author: Maria Zhukova
Magazine: N5 (193) 2014
In Red Fox, as it should be in a classic chalet, an open layout, and zoning occurs only at the expense of furniture. There is also a large wood burning fireplace, an open kitchen and a separate karaoke room. In the warm season, the entire front part of the restaurant opens, and guests are practically on the terrace. “For the decoration of the restaurant, we specifically looked for local dry wood,” says Maria Zhukova. —I used only natural materials: wool, leather, mat… Red Fox — classic colors (rich burgundy, dark blue) and a cell-like pattern. Hand-made pillows from Holland have become an indispensable element of the interior. ”
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