Billiards, antiques and black and white photographs

A photo: Evgeny Luchin
Lead headings: Nikolay Fedyanin
Magazine: N1 (123) 2008
Oleg Stetsyury's home office is more correct to call the reception hall. In its center is a huge billiard table. From the hall you can go to the front office, where the owner of the auction house reads and receives guests. And above the front office there is another one, already more functional - with a computer and a large library. Oleg Nikolayevich works there in the evenings. "When children go to bed, I go to the Gelos website and watch new arrivals. 130-140 items appear on the site every day, and we need to decide whether we should buy some of them," the auction house owner explains.
Hall with billiards Oleg Stetsyura calls oak. The owner of the house recalls how in the early 90s on the flea market on Portobello Road he saw an album of photographs of an English manor from the middle of the 18th century depicting the interior of a living room with oak panels decorated with Gothic carvings. In a similar vein, Oleg Stetsyura decided to decorate a large living room in his own apartment, and in illuminated niches arranged various antique items - antique watches, vases and other interesting trivia.
The owner of the auction house "Gelos" said that most of the items in this room are of no interest to a serious collector. Stetsyur does not consider himself a collector at all. He explains that if he himself becomes a collector of art objects, he will have to leave the antiques business. "In order for the business to flourish, I have to constantly sell items," he says. As an example, Stetsyura tells the story of an elephant figurine from Bovenite by Faberge, which Gelos acquired in 1993 for $ 3,000, and in 1996 sold for $ 120,000. "Now this figure would have cost more than a million dollars. Of course, it was a pity to sell. But you have to pay people salaries, pay rent, etc." Gelos "always earned money through turnover. And the company began with a loan of 20,000 rubles. the end of the 80s for this money it was possible to buy only one and a half "Zhiguli", - says the owner of the house.
On the personal predilections of the owner of the auction house tell not so much the items, how many photos. In the main office, which is adjacent to the "oak" living room, there are a variety of photos. At one of them, Oleg Stetsyur was captured in the company of the owner of the Mosselprom, Sergei Lisovsky, the general director of the Ostankino Meat Processing Plant, Mikhail Popov, and the editor-in-chief of the MK, Pavel Gusev. "It was we who hunted bears in Kamchatka," recalls the owner of the office. To the right of the workplace is an old photograph with a church. "This is my native village of Trubino in the Schelkovsky district. The photo was taken at the end of the 19th century. The temple you see was completely destroyed, I helped restore it. Look at the people, on their faces. I look at this photo and immediately see who from which family. After all, the descendants of these people still live in the village, "says Oleg Stetsyura with enthusiasm.
The owner of the auction house "Gelos" like black and white photographs. In his personal collection there are pictures of the royal family, taken in the middle of the XIX century, and many photographs of military subjects. "Remember, I showed you the pre-revolutionary military photographs? Now look at the portraits of the commissars of the 20s. You see how the faces have changed? There are no pedigrees, the intellect has disappeared. The whole history of the country is easily read from the photographs," says Oleg Stetsyura.