Not a simple decoration

Wedding Salon "Fairy" in Kiev

Passing the gallery

A photo: Alexey Reydalov

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Architect: Elena Netudykhata

Decorator: Alla Zhymailo

The painting: Elena Babintseva, Igor Topachenko

Artistic forging: Julia Artamonova

Magazine: N10 (110) 2006

"When I worked on this interior, - says the architect Alena Netudykhata about the new wedding salon "Fairy" - I had a feeling that I was recreating some funny illustrations to fairy tales. As always, I was guided by my favorite principle - “listen to the space”. And I wanted to bring antiques into this world. Vintage wedding photos in which you look and understand how important this event is for each person; antique hatboxes, handicraft boxes, an antique mirror, a table, several screens and many accessories - all this was carefully restored. Since the cabin area is only 150 square meters. meters, then I wanted to design a space so that it does not seem cramped. Therefore, we arranged the zones at different levels and made steps. In two fitting rooms hung large, in the floor, mirrors, which were a mandatory attribute of the interior the end of the XIX century".

Address: Kiev, Victory Ave., 15