Neva panorama

apartment in St. Petersburg area of ​​295 m2

Passing the gallery

A photo: Peter Lebedev

Text: Kira Khmelnitsky

Project author: Alexey Ustinov, Andrew Chesnovitsky

Magazine: (173) 2012

Architects Alexey Ustinov and Andrew Chesnovitsky designed a penthouse in the house on the Neva

It is difficult to imagine a better location for an apartment in St. Petersburg. Especially when it comes to the penthouse with panoramic windows. Apartment on the upper floors of a new house, the interior of which was designed by architects Alexey Ustinov and Andrew Chesnovitsky, belongs precisely to this happy category. The building where the penthouse is located, stands on the banks of the Neva, and from its windows opens a panorama of the river and the historical center of the city. A penthouse with such a view does not need an intricate interior.

The central task facing the authors of the project was to reasonably organize the penthouse space. The apartment with an area of ​​295 square meters, in terms of the letter "P", the architects divided into two zones - an adult and a nursery. In the part that overlooks the Neva, the architects placed public rooms - children's and adult living rooms and a kitchen combined with a dining room. In the wings, the architects arranged bedrooms and utility rooms: they assigned the right side to their parents and the left side to the children.

The space of the penthouse is organized as efficiently as possible. Even the extended corridors uniting both wings and the central part were used to house the cabinets. Instead of a single corridor, we got a system of mini-halls united in a suite. The hall system according to the authors is a thread that binds together all the rooms of the penthouse. Therefore, the architects decided to compositionally highlight its dark colors and bright accents. In the bedrooms, and especially in the living rooms, they used neutral tones and simple decor. “Having such a stunning view of the Neva in the room, it would be at least unwise to try to compete with it. Therefore, in the living rooms facing the river, we did not distract attention from the panoramic windows. The main emphasis was placed on simple forms and high-quality materials such as wood, metal, glass, natural stone, ”notes Andrew Chesnovitsky.

Оформленandе спален and детскandх комнат еще лаконandчнее. «Традandцandонно мы делаем акцент на помещенandях общественной зоны квартandры - гостandных, столовых, - говорandт архandтектор. - В прandватных же помещенandях, напрandмер в спальнях, мы создаем лandшь основу, а каждый andз членов семьand может персоналandзandровать ее по своему усмотренandю. Для нас важно, чтобы обandтателand квартandры самand обжandвалand ее, наполняя темand предметамand and декоратandвнымand элементамand, которые онand самand выбandрают».

Alexey Ustinov: “When designing this penthouse, we were guided by the medical principle“ do no harm ”. The main advantage of the apartment is a beautiful view of the Neva and the historical center of St. Petersburg. Therefore, our main task was to create an interior that will support the panorama, but will not distract attention from it. ”