"my style is noble simplicity"

Дизайнер Romeo Socci о своих предпочтениях и принципах работы

Passing the gallery

Text: Julia Sakharova

A photo: - © Reminders

Magazine: Decor N1 (167) 2012

Romeo Socci - a world-famous designer and owner of a famous furniture factory. He told our magazine about his preferences and principles of work.

Romeo Socci, owner and chief designer of the company Reminders: “If you want your home to be a safe haven for you, a kind of reserved place, I advise you to adopt the idea of ​​a home-casket. To decorate the "casket" use noble materials, such as precious woods and leather panels. LINES AT THIS MUST BE LACONIC. This combination of luxury and simplicity gives an amazing feeling of peace and stability. According to this recipe, I created, in particular, the interior of an apartment in Moscow.

In general, noble simplicity is my favorite style. I like neutral colors - white, brown, gray. Such a palette is good because it allows you to create space according to personal preferences: you can add a piece of furniture or accessories of any bright color to a neutral basis - the one you like.

And do not be afraid to make a bright ceiling! With him, the interior will look picturesque, and the ceiling itself will seem higher. Most often in my interiors I use natural fabrics - linen, silk, velvet. IT IS POSSIBLE TO CREATE A REFINED SPACE, BUILDING IT WITH THE COLORS AND INNOVATIONS, and then fabrics are irreplaceable helpers.

So, the interior of this house in Milan is based just on nuances: sandy beige shades of fabrics and natural wood create a feeling of serene peace. An interesting example of working with the nuances of color and texture is my Paris apartment. AS A MAJOR BORED A COMPLEX SHADOW OF POSE ROSE COLOR. I recommend (if the height of the ceilings and the general style of the house permit), the stucco patterns on the wall plane do the same tone as the wall: thanks to this technique, the space will look more holistic.

Fill the house with different, but appropriate in style pieces of furniture, sometimes change them. This gives the interior a special charm. Before starting a new model into production, I test it, “live it up” in my own house in Como. These items stand next to antiques from the 1930s and 40s of the 20th century. ”