Дизайнер Romeo Socci о своих предпочтениях и принципах работы

Text: Julia Sakharova
A photo: - © Reminders
Magazine: Decor N1 (167) 2012
In general, noble simplicity is my favorite style. I like neutral colors - white, brown, gray. Such a palette is good because it allows you to create space according to personal preferences: you can add a piece of furniture or accessories of any bright color to a neutral basis - the one you like.
And do not be afraid to make a bright ceiling! With him, the interior will look picturesque, and the ceiling itself will seem higher. Most often in my interiors I use natural fabrics - linen, silk, velvet. IT IS POSSIBLE TO CREATE A REFINED SPACE, BUILDING IT WITH THE COLORS AND INNOVATIONS, and then fabrics are irreplaceable helpers.
So, the interior of this house in Milan is based just on nuances: sandy beige shades of fabrics and natural wood create a feeling of serene peace. An interesting example of working with the nuances of color and texture is my Paris apartment. AS A MAJOR BORED A COMPLEX SHADOW OF POSE ROSE COLOR. I recommend (if the height of the ceilings and the general style of the house permit), the stucco patterns on the wall plane do the same tone as the wall: thanks to this technique, the space will look more holistic.
Fill the house with different, but appropriate in style pieces of furniture, sometimes change them. This gives the interior a special charm. Before starting a new model into production, I test it, “live it up” in my own house in Como. These items stand next to antiques from the 1930s and 40s of the 20th century. ”