Minimalism: maximum comfort

Moscow apartment with a total area of ​​150 m2 Zhanna Kochurova, Dmitry Bykov

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Elena Prytula

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Ekaterina Morgunov

Project author: Dmitry Bykov, Zhanna Kochurova, Светлана Жук

Individual interior elements: Fedor Galimullin

Magazine: N4 (71) 2003

At first glance, the epithets "minimalist" and "cozy" seem to be the same antipodes as "austerity" and "sybarity". In fact, it turns out that these concepts are perfectly compatible. So, the authors of this project describe his style as a cozy minimalism. Simple modern lines and shapes, plus the traditional “warm” tree - this is “minimalism with a human face”Dmitry Bykov: - Recently, those who acquire elite real estate, quite well versed in its quality. Therefore, the initial layout meant a lot when choosing an apartment: in principle, the composition of the customer’s premises was fine. We made some adjustments to it, made the space at home more comfortable. Added one bathroom - to the children's room. The apartment had two bathrooms: one - guest and one - in the sleeping area, for two bedrooms. The guest bathroom with an adjacent pantry made up a fairly large room - we divided it into two equal ones. Thus, both the master bedroom and the nursery received a separate bathroom. In our opinion, this is a more logical solution. At the entrance, we allocated a dressing room - before it was not. The apartment was initially fairly rigidly divided into public and intimate areas. We have further strengthened this effect by installing a large sliding partition-mirror, which finally marked the boundary of the premises and, moreover, plays a soundproofing role - the bedrooms are completely autonomous. The owners represented the public zone as an open, but clearly demarcated, segmented space. Therefore, we erected glass walls and doors between the kitchen and living room. Due to this, strict zoning is preserved and at the same time the effect of flowing space appears.Zhanna Kochurova: - Another technique that we used to structure the space is uneven floors, high-altitude zoning. The center of the living room is raised to a low podium. He divides the room into three parts: in front of the podium is the dining area, on the podium there is a “sofa”, a kind of salon, and by the window (here the floor height returns to the “zero” level) - a small winter garden, a place for private conversations or reading . This approach is quite interesting, creates a very comfortable atmosphere. The seemingly insignificant difference in the height of the floor (no more than 15 centimeters) gives the space a special comfort, giving it a seclusion.Dmitry Bykov: “Along with compositional and spatial tasks, we set ourselves the goal of not flirting with the material. (While this tendency, which emerged in the course of constructivism in the 1920s and 30s, is now again relevant.) We do not hide the properties of materials, do not try to camouflage, suppose a tree to be concrete or vice versa. In our opinion, the correct approach is the maximum manifestation of all the features of the material, in which case it is possible to get the most return from it. Successfully formed a combination of wooden walls with glass. Wood in the interior itself provides comfort. Due to the fact that the interior is minimalist, I wanted to bring softness and harmony, natural warmth to it. Thus, the tree turned out quite a lot: on the floor (wooden podium - it is always very impressive and correct) and in the decoration of the walls. We, generally speaking, never do "hard" interiors, despite the fact that we often work in minimalism. We "regret" our customer: it is hard to exist every day surrounded by one glass and chrome. Moreover, the owners of this interior are “cozy”, family-like, very nice people ... - The longer we work, the less we are satisfied with the furniture made by modern manufacturers. This is natural: we make individual interiors, and often it turns out that it is easier to design furniture according to our own designs, than to choose something standard for a particular space. In this project there were a lot of our developments: all partitions, glass doors were created according to our own sketches. Textured walls in the hallway and living room are also our idea. We went on a difficult but interesting way: we invented the technology ourselves - and we were very glad when the result met the expectations. One could, of course, buy a ready-made composition for texture painting and put it on the walls ... But at some point everyone was so fascinated by the creative process that they wanted to invent something completely original, something their own. The interior has a number of exclusive solutions. Some are simple, others are complex. If we talk about simple ones, this is, for example, a wall in the bedroom, structured, formed by shelves — such a library corner. More complex - sliding partitions, U-shaped niche for TV equipment, a door lined with clapboard - at first glance these elements seem straightforward, but in fact from a technical point of view it is not so easy to make such units. Another our development is a shelf-bar adjacent to the sofa. On the one hand, this is a convenient panel on which you can put something (a glass, for example) or put a book. And if necessary, from under it leaves a small bar. Very comfortably.Andrey Lebedev (customer): - The house where our new apartment is located is located quite far from the center, in the South-West of Moscow. This is not by chance. We used to live in the center, but when the child was born, we realized that we needed fresh air - you need to walk with your child somewhere. The center is very deprived in this sense. South-West is the most ecologically safe district of the capital. This circumstance played an important role in choosing an apartment. Among other things, we were satisfied with the area (150 m2 - enough for a family of three) and the initial layout. In fact, at the time of the choice of architects, one of our main "advisers" was SALON. We really like the magazine itself: the choice of interesting objects and, accordingly, the architects in it is always quite large. We saw some works by Dmitry Bykov, we liked them, and when we met him and Zhanna Kochurova personally, it became certain that they could create the house that would suit us. In general, the personal, emotional factor plays an important role here. Creating an individual interior is a rather intimate process, and I want people who are pleasant from a purely human point of view to do it. In our case, that's exactly what happened.Dmitry Bykov: "Our world is replete with informatively saturated things. Practically all objects used by modern people are designer ones. A powerful aesthetic" noise "arises in places where they gather.Zhanna Kochurova: "I think the style in which the interior of this apartment is made can be conventionally called cozy minimalism."