Mattia Bonetti on Style, Future Plans and Working Together with Elizabeth Garust

Interview prepared: Dilara Muradova
Magazine: N6 (62) 2002
SALON: How do you divide between "spheres of influence"? - I am responsible for the design as a whole. Elizabeth’s sphere of activity is details. For example, when we were working on a project for a train in Montpellier, I was in charge of design, form, architecture, and Elizabeth was in charge of design.S: Isn't it hard for you to work together? - Sometimes yes, sometimes no. When disagreements arise, we discuss. Still discussing ... Still discussing ... (Laughs.)S: Your design is completely non-European. Where does this exotic come from? - This is not at all exotic. Rather, not a real exotic. It cannot be called Turkish, Italian, African ... This is a mix of various influences. And features characteristic of different eras. We "translate" them into something completely new and unique to us. This exotic is completely invented. It exists only in our imagination.S: Your duet "had a hand" in almost all areas of design and fashion. What area is relevant to you now? - Perhaps, industrial design. Recent projects: a train for a new line in Montpellier in France, a set of cutlery for GUY DEGRENNE ... Interior design is still interesting. But this area is well known to me, but I would like to try something completely new. Now I am attracted to architecture. It involves the creation of a whole concept, a completely new approach and scale for me. I have never done this before. But I would like to.