This country house is a light and elegant interpretation of historical styles, a look at the past from the present

Magazine: de Luxe Classic N1 2016
The house, faced with a golden-ocher stone, topped with a pediment, looks like an Italian villa from the side of the main entrance: a symmetrical composition, strict rhythmics of twin Tuscan columns, laconic decor. But the rectangular volume seen from this point is only the beginning of the story. We must climb the stairs, go through the hall and living room strung on one axis, turn right into the dining room, and go out into the inner courtyard. There you find that the house is bigger than it seemed at the beginning: behind the facade one more wing of it, located at an angle of about 100 degrees to the main building, is skillfully hidden. A recreational area has been designed here: on the ground floor there is a swimming pool, a gym, a recreation room, and on the second a billiard room and a cinema hall. Here, away from the master's chambers, there are rooms for the living staff. The second floor of the main building is the private territory of the owners.
In the architectural forms of the house (and partly in the decision of the basin), one can trace the history of Palladianism — from Palladio itself to the master of Russian classicism, N.A. Lvov and the “last palladian” of the twentieth century I.V. Zholtovsky. (Andrea Palladio was born by the time of the late Renaissance, but in his work he preached the style of the future — classicism.) However, the authors of the project did not set the goal to add an encyclopedia of Russian palladianism. This work is a kind of “fantasy on the subject”, created in response to the request of clients, admirers of the classics. “We were thinking about how to combine the modern interpretation of the Italian Renaissance and the weightless flair of the art deco, Natalia Yudina recalls. And the owners wanted to see this style in the interior: it combines inwardness with grace, and it is close to today. We succeeded. " The magnificent double-light space of the front part of the house is emphasized by high windows, chandeliers made of Murano glass and crystal, and forged stairs. The materials chosen by the authors for this interior speak of its status: it is Emperador Dark marble, it is iridescent, like a pearl, a decorative wall covering, it is a silk upholstery of upholstered furniture. In the bedrooms, the theme of glamor is increasing: there are contrasts, drama. So, in one of them — a wall panel of black color — wallpaper, resembling to touch fur, black crystal pendants, bright silver in a mirror frame finish. If we look closely at the interior, we will see that in addition to Art Deco, other styles are organically dissolved in it. For example, dining room furniture and coffee tables in the living room are a modern version of Louis XV. And in the upholstery of sofas a classic French ornament is reinterpreted in a new way. In general, the authors treat the classics with ease, and here lies one of the main secrets of the magical atmosphere of this house.