Karim rashid against acute angles

Interview with renowned designer, author of more than 2000 different objects. The reason for the conversation was the presentation of a new collection created for CASAMANIA BY FREZZA

Passing the gallery

Interview prepared: Karina Chumakova

Portraiture: Karina Chumakova

Magazine: H (109) 2006

The times when artists, architects and designers bother to write manifestos have been irretrievably gone. Conceptualization of art is not in fashion. Designer Karim Rashid, with all of its essence, embodying the spirit of the century of digital globalization, in this sense is somewhat old-fashioned: the author of more than 2,000 industrially produced objects - from CD players (SONY) to manhole covers (WITH EDISON), - he nevertheless writes manifestos, delivers lectures and gladly talks about how to make the world a better place and become a designer of his own life. The reason for the conversation was the presentation of a new collection created by Karim Rashid for CASAMANIA BY FREZZA.

SALON: Karim, in your design portfolio you have collected the most famous brands from the world of furniture, fashion and technology. You are undoubtedly one of those designers who can choose with whom to work and who not. Please tell us why you decided to create a collection for the brand. CASAMANIA BY FREZZAWhat attracted you to the prospect of working together.

- First, I really appreciate the fact that CASAMANIA feels the spirit of the times, seeks to work with new materials. I also love new technologies, I understand them well. And for the production of this collection I proposed to use the technology of rotational casting, and for the chair Kant - the patented material Polygiene, impeccable hygienically.

S: Looking at the things created by you (not an exception and the CASAMANIA collection), their original purpose is not always clear, but in form and color it is often clear that no one else had a hand in their design Karim Rashid.

- Это действительно так… (Смеется.) Направление, в котором я работаю, я сам когда-то назвал чувственным минимализмом. 90 процентов вещей, окружающих нас в повседневной жизни, абсолютно нам не нужны. Мы искусственно усложняем мир, поэтому, если for предмета можно придумать несколько способов применения, это прекрасно. Один видит в вещи корзину for бумаг, другой - подставку for зонтов; один - контейнер for мелочей, другой - пепельницу. Таким образом, когда предмет уже создан, потребитель продолжает придумывать варианты его использования, соучаствует в процессе дизайна. Я вообще пропагандирую принцип приобретения путем замещения: приобретая новую вещь, я всегда избавляюсь от старой, взамен которой ее покупаю. Это касается всего - от носков до стульев. Благодаря этому прекрасному принципу за шесть лет количество вещей, которыми я владею, не изменилось. Об этом я подробно написал в своей новой книге "Создай себя" (Design Your Self).

S: Please tell us about your new projects.

- A few years ago, I began to engage in spatial design. I have made the interiors of several restaurants and boutiques, a hotel built according to my project has recently opened in Athens. Twenty years of experience in the field of industrial design allows me to perceive the space from the inside to the outside. That is, when I invent the interior of the room, I imagine myself lying in it on the bed and I think I would like to see from this angle, while a professional architect pushes off from the external appearance of the building and moves inside. For me, the most important thing is the relationship of a person with space, the integrity of perception - from the color of the walls to the smell in the room.

S: Some critics say your design is just a game of form. Is the form really primary for you?

- In my opinion, the experience of communicating with a thing must be absolutely immaculate, "seamless." From its very appearance, everything should be clear. There is nothing worse than to buy some technological novelty and sit down to read her instructions. The phenomenon of plug-and-play should spread to everything that surrounds us. Yes, the form is really important to me. I do not like sharp corners - you will not find them in my objects. With my height (193 см. - SALON) all my life I hit the corners, and at some point I, frankly, got fed up

Excerpt from the manifesto Karim Rashid: "Design has always formed a cultural picture of the world. With its help, systems, cities, consumer goods were created, world problems were solved. Now the design task is not to solve pressing problems, but to continually aestheticize the environment we created. Design is designed to improve life on poetic, aesthetic, experimental, sensual and emotional levels.My main desire is to see that people live for today, participate in modern life, getting rid of nostalgia, outdated traditions, outdated rituals, whale but not significant personal things. We should be aware of this world to be with him in tune each particular moment. If you desire to live in the past inherent in human nature, is to change the world is to change human nature. "