studio apartment (140 m2) in Rostov-on-Don Murat Tsaloev, with the participation of Gennady Nesterov

A photo: Peter Lebedev
Text: Danila Gulyaev
Architect: Murat Tsaloev
Restaurateur: Gennady Nesterov
Magazine: (102)
Архитектор Murat Tsaloev рассказывает, что при работе над интерьером этой квартиры в Ростове-на-Дону у него не было готового проекта. Заранее просчитана была только планировка. Автор импровизировал на ходу, в сотрудничестве с заказчиком, человеком творческим и богемным. Все решали в процессе работы, по принципу мозгового штурма: одной из сторон в голову приходила идея, ее обсуждали и либо принимали, либо отвергали. Конечно же, архитектор при этом адаптировал и интегрировал все идеи в общую картину интерьера, чтобы не получился разнобой. Поэтому весь интерьер - как джазовый дуэт, совместная импровизация на заданную тему, свободная, но композиционно цельная. Гаранты успеха - профессионализм архитектора и вкус хозяина.
As in jazz, the hallmark of this space is lightness and unobtrusiveness. The authors did not want to issue an apartment in a particular style. It turned out to be universal, but with subtly accents. The concept is based on a mixture of functionalism and art deco, but both styles are used without clearly defined signs, almost imperceptibly. As a result, it turned out emphasized modern interior with individual tuning.
The apartment is located in the attic, as it should be for a bohemian lifestyle. Recognizable mansard difficult corners between the ceiling and the walls in the given context are also perceived as a slight jazz irregularity. The architect, not quite logically located by the developer, decided not to hide the architect, but, on the contrary, to emphasize with the help of brightly ornamented wallpaper. The improvisational principle is also seen in the decoration of the living room walls, where square buazeri are combined, with complex color Venetian plaster and neutral painting.
The living room space is divided into two zones, seamlessly flowing one into the other. Visually, they differ in color of the floor. In the living room there is no obligation, strict regulation - this is a spacious and uncluttered area where you can do whatever you want. Actually, the studio. Comfort is created with the help of individual elements - a sofa zone and a comfortable kitchen, separated by an island, which are located on the periphery. The bedrooms are made on the same principle: they are cozy, decorated without unnecessary bulky elements of the room. The main thing is that nothing violates the freedom of life as improvisation.