Once upon a time this villa near Ferrara was owned by the all-powerful d'Este. At the end of the XIX century it was bought by the current owners, the genus Spizani. They not only live here, but also create. Francesco Spizani, the head of the family, designs

A photo: Ivan Sorokin
Text: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N11 (177) 2012
The villa is named Stellata, which in Italian translates as "Star". History hides who exactly of the owners of this patrimony gave it this name. It could have been the dukes of Este, who until the end of the seventeenth century ruled this land. Ferrara went d'Este back in the XII century, and subsequently their lands became more extensive. Both Modena and Reggio are included. It was without exaggeration one of the most influential childbirth in Italy. D'Este was loved not only by power, but also by art. With them, Ferrara became such an important cultural center that modern historians even talk about such a phenomenon as the Ferrara civilization. The current appearance of the villa is eclectic.
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