On the island of aphrodite

The villa overlooking the ancient city and the Mediterranean Sea was built in an unconventional manner for these places, and the interior in a modern-respectable style reflects the tastes and preferences of the owners

Passing the gallery

Text: Olga Vologdina

A photo: Sergey Goroh

Project author: Tatyana Ershova, Alexey Ershov, Yuliya Chistyakova

Magazine: (195) 2014

The villa overlooking the ancient city and the Mediterranean Sea was built in an unconventional manner for these places, and the interior in a modern-respectable style reflects the tastes and preferences of the owners.

Tatyana Ershova: “The distinctive feature of the project was the color — chocolate – creamy, which is not typical of the architecture of Cyprus, where all the houses are painted in lemon shades. We prefer to use expressive colors, as they give character and depth. We like to surprise and create the effect of surprise and theatricality. In addition, there is enough light in the house: the sun shines brightly in Cyprus. ”

Villa owners love to spend holidays in Cyprus. In Limassol, they already had apartments. After some time, they wanted to buy a house here. After seeing the finished residences and not finding anything suitable, the customers realized that they would have to build the villa themselves. They chose a site located on a hill by the sea overlooking the yacht club, surrounded by picturesque houses, immersed in flowers, and near the beach. Directly to the site adjoins the archaeological area of ​​the ancient city – state Amathus, founded in 3000 BC, with the ruins of the acropolis, the temple of Aphrodite and the port pier. According to legend, the founder of the city is one of the sons of Hercules. At the foot of the mountain are the ancient church of St. Barbara and the cave where the saint lived. All this gave the uniqueness and value of the place. At the same time, there was a risk of finding artifacts on the acquired land, and then, according to the laws of Cyprus, it could be nationalized. The construction of the house was observed by archaeologists, but, fortunately for the owners, they did not find any valuables, and the work continued.

Греческий архитектор Мариос Ахилеос спроектировал здание в соответствии с местными требованиями, в характерной манере, как и большинство строений вокруг. Однако стилевое и архитектурное решения не устроили заказчиков, и они обратились к петербургским архитекторам из бюро Ershi&Co с предложением усовершенствовать проект. Те, в свою очередь, основательно поработали над внешним и внутренним обликом виллы. Некоторые изменения шли вразрез с местными традициями, зато полностью отвечали потребностям заказчиков. Так, были увеличены окна, расширены терраса и балкон, где в жаркие дни приятно отдыхать и любоваться открывающимися видами. С одной из сторон здания архитекторы пристроили остеклённый кабинет и отказались от множества небольших комнат на первом этаже, превратив гостиную в большое, открытое пространство, что также довольно нехарактерно для Кипра. Фасад декорировали в стиле ар–деко—колоннами с каннелюрами, карнизами, вертикальными деталями из натурального камня. Как замечает Татьяна, коричневый цвет—это почти революция для Кипра, здесь все дома выкрашены в бледный жёлтый оттенок, но им нужно было подчеркнуть связь экстерьера и интерьера и придать зданию более эффектный, драматичный вид.

Architects significantly increased the usable area, turning the attic and basement into residential premises. Moreover, in the basement area, they not only placed apartments for guests with their living room, kitchen, bedrooms, sauna, shower room and private entrance, but also organized a home theater. The rich history of the island played a role in its design: sports games were held in honor of Adonis in Amathus. The room was decorated with sculptures and photographs of Greek gods in the form of athletes. Since the house is located on a hill, it is from here, from the lower floor, offers a delightful panorama of the surroundings.