On antiquity, baroque, new time and porcelain

Interview prepared: Julia Sakharova
A photo: Andrei Karpenko, press services
Magazine: №3 (224) 2017
В Петровском пассаже открылся монобрендовый магазин легендарной фарфоровой мануфактуры Richard Ginori, основанной почти 300 лет назад во Флоренции. На наши вопросы ответил Giovanni Gwinchedi, CEO of the factory.
Giovanni Gwinchedi, CEO of the factory
Giovanni Gwinchedi, CEO of the factory
SALON: The manufactory was founded in 1735. Are you making cues, or is everything we see here a modern interpretation of the classics?
Giovanni Gvinchedi: Of course, the replicas are produced, and, in particular, these are copies in miniature of famous sculptures from the Uffizi Gallery. Here is my favorite thing - Venus de Medici. It is believed that this is a copy of a more ancient statue, the work of Praxitor. The classic is my favorite “section” both in the history of art and in the production of our manufactory. Maybe because I have not only an engineering education, but also a humanitarian (University of Bologna).
It is technically very difficult to make such a porcelain copy: in the process of work hundreds of pieces of sculpture are connected. As for table porcelain, here we already see a combination of the classical form and modern painting. This can be a beautiful stylization using historical elements of the mural, for example with a garofano - carnation, which you will find in the Oriente Italiano collection.
The Granduca Koreana collection is a memory of the 1750s, when Japanese kimonos were brought to Europe, and this refined floral ornament is a borrowing, as we would say now, from the field of fashion. Today we use both baroque and neoclassical forms, and modern ones. We also produce white porcelain, without painting.
Interior store in Petrovsky Passage. On the oval table are copies of the masterpieces of world art made in sponge cake. On the consoles and the wall table - table china from the collection of Babele Rosso
Interior store in Petrovsky Passage. On the oval table are copies of the masterpieces of world art made in sponge cake. On the consoles and the wall table - table china from the collection of Babele Rosso