Life-affirming interior

Text: Julia Sakharova
A photo: - © Grange
Magazine: Decor N10 (165) 2011
INSTEAD OF SOFA or chairs in this living room is a flirtatious rekamye, covered with a panbarhat of purple color. To him, the designers have picked up a floor lamp that looks like nothing, modest and artsy at the same time. A coffee table would be an ideal illustration of the Provence style, if its sides were not painted with a stripe to match the trendy palette of nail polishes. Now it is a fashionable modern thing.
THE MOST UNUSUAL accessory in this living room is a stuffed crane with bright plumage. The theme of nature is supported by another accessory - a carpet made of skins (there is a table on it). Outside the window is the park. Due to the continuous glazing, it is perceived as part of the interior and serves as an excellent background for the entire composition.