Crystals from ancient times fascinated people. Designers could not resist

Magazine: (213) 2016
Nature painstakingly grind down crystals for hundreds of years. One centimeter takes weeks. It turns out an extraordinary shape with a complex geometry of the faces. Designers conceived to repeat it. For example, Arik Levy designed Crystal Rock fixtures for Czech LASVIT manufactory: natural layers were simulated using blown glass. Portuguese designers COVET LOUNGE invented a steel bath in the form of a black piece of rock. Enchanting "faceted" table is at TONINO LAMBORGHINI CASA. It is trimmed with walnut veneer coated with a glossy or matte varnish, the table top is covered with leather. The original postmodern image of the drusen of crystals is the design carpet Diamond of the brand CC – TAPIS. And who said that sharp corners need to be smoothed out?
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