Inside the crystal

Crystals from ancient times fascinated people. Designers could not resist

Passing the gallery

Magazine: (213) 2016

Crystals from ancient times fascinated people. Designers could not resist

Nature painstakingly grind down crystals for hundreds of years. One centimeter takes weeks. It turns out an extraordinary shape with a complex geometry of the faces. Designers conceived to repeat it. For example, Arik Levy designed Crystal Rock fixtures for Czech LASVIT manufactory: natural layers were simulated using blown glass. Portuguese designers COVET LOUNGE invented a steel bath in the form of a black piece of rock. Enchanting "faceted" table is at TONINO LAMBORGHINI CASA. It is trimmed with walnut veneer coated with a glossy or matte varnish, the table top is covered with leather. The original postmodern image of the drusen of crystals is the design carpet Diamond of the brand CC – TAPIS. And who said that sharp corners need to be smoothed out?

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