Golden age

Golden color in the decor of the table

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Leading headings: Marina Volkova

Magazine: Decor N4 (170) 2012

In the decor of this table florist Larisa Kravchenkoova I tried to convey the joyful, sparkling mood that is associated with the golden color

The decor of this table was part of the floral and culinary show. The theme of the event was gold and everything that is somehow connected with this concept. It was not even so much about wealth and luxury, but about natural and cultural references. Using a different floral decor and accessories, master Larisa Kravchenkoova I wanted to convey the "golden" atmosphere. She says: “We recalled the golden autumn, the domes of the temples, the sunlight, the wheat fields, the honey. Accordingly, the decoration involved gold foil decorative elements, dishes with gilding and white orchids. Orchids also reveal the theme, correspond to the general mood of air ease. ”

This design is suitable for a romantic evening with candles. The mood is created primarily by the Hemisphere service of the Limoges factory JL Coquet, covered with gold leaf. As well as decorative vases in the form of golden papier – mache apples, in which there are orchids.