Luca Baldi heads the family business — a Florentine factory that has existed since 1867. “We are artisans of the 21st century,” he says of his production. We met with Signor Baldi in his homeland, went around with him to the factory, visited the parental house and all this time we saw around the eternal, tranquil emerald hills of Tuscany.

Magazine: N11 (199) 2014
The landscape behind each turn is different, the pictures replace each other, these are living canvases. Luca Baldi obviously gets pleasure from the fact that there is such beauty around. A true Florentine, he is sensitive to beauty and considers his land to be a unique place on earth. The way it is. “You see how little the hills are built up, and the houses are low, with flat roofs, even the church bell towers are not higher than cypresses. The main thing in Tuscany is nature. From the point of view of modern developers, it would be necessary to build everything here. How much land is empty! How much can you earn! It was not there. We have strict laws, construction is practically prohibited. Everything must remain the same primordial, without these terrible high-rises, which are already disfigured by many cities. ”
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