Dominant teplitsky

How to achieve harmony

Passing the gallery

Text: Elena Efremova

A photo: Elena Efremova, - из архивов пресс-служб

Magazine: Na (135)

Warm - cold, soft - smooth, frosted - glossy, rhythm and emptiness, color and lack of it ... Elena Teplitskaya held a master class on how to combine opposites in the interior and achieve harmony

Elena Teplitskaya is a Russian designer who successfully creates both collections of clothes and interiors. As part of the master class, she vividly, figuratively and emotionally told about the peculiarities of visual perception, about how women's design differs from men's, and, of course, about what can be dominant in the interior and how to use it to make space expressive. or how to compensate for its undesirable characteristics. The master class was held with the support of FINEX.