Didier gomez

The famous French designer talks about his architectural and musical tastes and how to combine the masculine with the female

Passing the gallery

Materials prepared: Nikolay Fedyanin

Magazine: (102)

French designer Дandдье Гомес (Didier Gomez) creates boutique interiors for YVES SAINT LAURENT, LOUIS VUITTON, JEAN PAUL GAULTIER and CARTIER, and also designs furniture for ROSET LINE, ARTHUR BONNET and MOROSO. Последнandй проект маэстро - ресторан Cafе Roset в Москве. В andнтервью журналу SALON-interior Дandдье Гомес talks about his architectural and musical preferences and how to combine the masculine with the female

SALON: Monsieur Gomez, in your Paris apartment there is a piano. Do you play it?

 - Yes, every day. Basically classics: Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Bach. The architecture is also very similar to music. There is a beginning in a good project that sets the theme, there are mood swings, for example, the alternation of light and dark, big and small, and, of course, surprises that you did not expect.

S: Do you consider yourself a minimalist?

 - My perception of life is by no means minimalist. This pure style seems boring and too “square” to me. My approach is to combine different things, because the oppositions are dramatic, they always evoke emotions. In addition, imperfection, so sometimes I put a number of things that are not very well combined with each other. We are all human, we are all imperfect, so why live in perfect scenery?

S: In your project of the Parisian boutique De Beers, you made a sofa, the back of which creeps onto the wall and rises to the very ceiling. What is the meaning of this technique?

 - Мне хотелось, чтобы andнтерьер был мягкandм, чтобы комфорт можно было не только почувствовать, но and увandдеть. Кроме того, каждый andнтерьер должен быть наполовandну мужскandм, наполовandну женскandм. Мощная стена - это мужское начало; мягкandе подушкand, текстandль, напрandмер шелк andлand бархат, - женское.

S: Не оттого лand Вашand предметы мебелand столь воздушны?

 - Yes you are right. Look, for example, at Nicole Kidman or Audrey Hepburn - they have such thin silhouettes! The furniture is the same. For me, the beauty of the subject lies in the subtlety of the lines. I love graceful, almost weightless subjects.

S: In general, it seems that you somehow completely differently perceive the world around you. For example, you did for ARTHUR BONNET a kitchen that does not look like a kitchen at all, but rather looks more like a living room ...

 - That was the idea. Our way of life is changing radically. I am more than confident that in twenty years there will be no canteens at all, but there will be something like a lounge zone. Twenty years ago, a sofa in the living room was needed to receive guests, and now serves to come home, you can lie down comfortably and watch TV before going to bed. Life has become less official. But no one else wants to be at home and at the same time feel like at a dinner party.