Cultivating an interdisciplinary approach, the design expands the range of its interests. His attention is drawn to all new areas of activity.

Magazine: Na (212) 2016
Advanced design keeps abreast of the latest technologies, follows the achievements of the natural sciences, studies psychology, is inspired by modern art, fashion and high-class cuisine. Interior brands collaborate with artists, fashion designers, jewelers and chefs. Such cooperation opens up new creative opportunities: interesting and successful projects are born at the junction of various disciplines. The most striking example is the fruitful union of fashion and interior design, which has lasted for many years, but still holds great potential. The interdisciplinary approach determines one of the most promising areas today — food design. Interest in it is so great that the famous academy in Eindhoven opened a new program at the end of 2014 — Food Non Food, dedicated to food design. The course involves different areas of knowledge (from cooking to biology) and one of its tasks is to create a more “poetic and artistic” attitude towards food: its cultural context, appearance, and taste. A similar approach, for example, is applied by the Dutch Studio Appétit: it develops not only extravagant items for serving, but also edible perfume, giving the dishes a sharp taste.
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