Cozy classic

Furniture Salon (Moscow) Natalya Polyakova Classic English style and cozy homely atmosphere in the furniture salon, designed by designer Natalia Polyakova

Passing the gallery

Text: Nadezhda Serebryakova

A photo: Vitaly Nefedov

Designer: Natalia Polyakova

Magazine: H (43) 2000

Not an easy task - the creation of the salon for the exhibition of furniture samples from leading European manufacturers and at the same time a design studio engaged in shaping the interior from project to selection of accessories. And yet doable. Confirmation of this can be seen at st. Ostozhenka, d. 40. We find ourselves in the interior of a classic English house with magnificent furniture, antiques and pieces of art. The idea of ​​maintaining a homely atmosphere in the cabin is dictated partly by a small area of ​​the room in which it is difficult to place many samples of furniture, and partly by the location on a historic street and in a historic building. Thick dark colors, characteristic of the classics, immerse the visitor in the comfort that is difficult to find in fashionable modern salons. Wooden panels and beams, a brick wall, by their naturalness, bring in a share of warmth, while the first violin is played with art and antiques - the essential accessories of a good house.