Concentration on diamonds

jewelry store in "Zhukofka Plaza" near Moscow Yuli Borisov, Yuli Tryaskina

Passing the gallery

A photo: Evgeny Luchin

Text: Sonya Oleinik

Architect: Julius Borisov, Julia Tryskinna, Dina Mezhevova

Magazine: N4 (71) 2003

Four hundred square meters of lilac English velvet, one hundred and fifty meters of Italian baguette, twenty square meters of special glass ... Approximately this is the arsenal of the architect's available tools in a jewelry store located on Rublevskoye Highway in Zhukoffka Plaza near Moscow. From the first second, the main task of the authors of the interior was to concentrate the attention of the visitor on the jewelery behind the windows. Theatrical light, soft carpet, draped ceiling and walls form the most appropriate surroundings: a space-box in which jewelry is usually sold.