In the bedroom - a wide curb, trimmed with silver, intricate ceiling finish ... These decorative solutions should take a look

A photo: Konstantin Dubovec
Text: Julia Sakharova
Magazine: Decor N1 (178) 2013
The combination of pink and silver is quite self-sufficient. It would be possible to stay within the framework of this topic, but the authors preferred to add brightness. There is a bed and nightstands (Provasi), as well as pillows and a bedspread - rich, rich colors ... Table lamps in the form of bouquets of purple lampshades and multi-colored pendants (Pataviumart) complete this feast of colors.
The bedroom can be made bright, even if the rest of the space is monochrome. The authors of this interior did just that. The whole apartment is silver gray, and here the main tone is pink. Silver only finish on the ceiling and ceiling curbs. Their decision is interesting: double curbs, they seem to be reflected in the mirror. Thanks to them, the ceiling seems higher and the large room is more compact.