Bed curtains

Text: Nina Farizova
Magazine: Decor N6 (106) 2006
More than three centuries ago французские короли принимали посетителей лежа в постели. Зажиточные горожане подхватили моду, и с тех самых пор европейская спальня стала символом материального и социального статуса владельца. Bed curtains долгое время выполняли сугубо утилитарную функцию: во-первых, в больших каменных дворцах они согревали хозяина, ограждая от холодных стен, а во-вторых, спасали от многочисленных насекомых. Пологи крепились на четырех деревянных шестах и делались из плотной ткани с подкладкой. Именно такая конструкция и получила название балдахин.
If we talk about pure Russian stylethen after the reforms of Peter I, it was decided to arrange each of the premises in one style and from one material. A striking example of this is the Squabin 'Lounge in Petrodvorets, named for the fact that the walls, curtains and upholstery of the furniture are made of Lyons fabric with the image of partridges. The same was true of the bedrooms. And in Italian culture, for example, among the Tuscans, monochromatic fabrics are still popular in the bedrooms: pinkish, creamy and milky-white. Of them, as a rule, they sew both window curtains and bed curtains. It was the Tuscan style of design living rooms and bedrooms that became so popular since the XIX century and in many other European countries. As for the British, they always preferred antiquity and loyalty to traditions to the avant-garde. High-quality textiles occupy a special place in the decor of an English house - from the Scottish cage to bright roses, as if scattered on light-colored fabric. Bed curtains and canopies in the English cold bedrooms today are just as popular as they were two hundred years ago. And just as two hundred years ago, very often you can see on the bedspreads, curtains and curtains the pictures of bright bouquets of English roses on a light background. Being in such a bedroom, it is not surprising to forget about the frost outside the window and the English fogs.
Childbirth is good also by the fact that they make some adjustments to the overall palette of the bedroom: the colors seem to soften - and the contrasts, such as blue and yellow, or red and green, soften and weaken due to the light reflection from the ceiling and walls.
Today the curtains and canopies have become original details of the decor. Therefore, designers, decorators and architects can experiment not only with fabrics, but also with the bed structures themselves. But whatever the canopy, it always symbolizes protection from the outside world and serves as a kind of shelter for humans. Perhaps that is why, since birth, it is customary to hang a canopy over a baby cot.