All shades of terracotta

bar Terra Cotta in St. Petersburg

Passing the gallery

Text: Olga Gvozdeva

A photo: Peter Lebedev

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Project author: Anna Folicheeva, Gleb Degtyarev

Painter: Marina Lukyanova

Magazine: (118)

The name of the bar Terra Cotta is encoded with several meanings at once. This yellow and red shades of baked clay, represented in abundance in the interior. And the famous Chinese terracotta army, whose warrior greets guests at the entrance. Waiting for late friends, you can sit in the "library", admiring the ceiling painting in the style of the Italian Renaissance. Next, go to the large dining and fireplace rooms, the dance floor and the "office". All the furniture and framing of the portals are made of old whitewashed wood. The architectonics of the space, the carefully selected gamma and deep subtext, encoded in the name, did their job - in Petersburg a bourgeois place appeared in a European way in which time stopped.

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Gagarin, 6