Отели Lebombo lodge and Sweni lodge в парке Крюгера (ЮАР)
Passing the gallery
Text: Yana Ivanchenko
Materials: - (c) Images Courtesy of Singita Group
Magazine: N4 (93) 2005
In the spring, everyone wants something unusual. Many need (and immediately!) Summer with its sweltering heat, and the most subtle and capricious already needs autumn. In South Africa it is just autumn. Let's go to Africa, to the wild inhabitants of the bush, to the luxury hotels of Lebombo lodge and Sweni lodge We will fly over the equator and find ourselves in the middle of the most famous nature reserve on the hot continent - Kruger National Park. Here in April the bush, a bush of the South African jungle, begins to turn yellow. And in May, you can catch even hot, but not tiring weather. Kruger Park, named after the President of South Africa, at the end of the XIX century issued a decree on the conservation of protected nature in the vast territory between the Crocodile River and Limpopo, is an ideal place for an African safari and in a European-style comfortable rest in the SINGITA PRIVATE GAME RESERVE lodges. Covered with canopies of twigs (which protect the interior of the bungalow from the hot sun), these “hunting lodges” of the color of scorched grass are hiding in the bush of the bush, actually merging with the landscape. Mountains Lebombo gave the name of the hotel. In Lebombo lodge there are only 15 bungalows that clutched the steep bank of the Nwanetsey River with strong steel structures. The Lodge Sweni (a kilometer from Lebombo) has six suites with large sliding windows from floor to ceiling, offering breathtaking views of the floodplain of the Sveni River. Of course, you can only admire the river: there are crocodiles and poisonous snakes, but the hotel has a swimming pool where you can swim, and then go to the SPA-procedures. In addition to species, natural materials, natural colors, as well as specific architectural details are responsible for the exotic African flavor in the interior. For example, the diagonals of curved pillars supporting the ceiling hint at the style of the aboriginal dwellings. SINGITA lodges are among the best hotels in the world. The owners seem to have taken care of everything for the convenience of guests. Just did not prepare a scarf and gloves for night walks on the open "Land Rover." So do not forget to capture them.Отели Lebombo lodge and Sweni lodgeFlight: regular flights Moscow - Johannesburg - Moscow (via Dubai or Athens, Munich) - from $ 950, flight Johannesburg - Lebombo (there and back) - about $ 600.Weather: in May it is warm during the day, above + 25 ° С, but in the morning and in the evening it is much colder, by night the temperature drops to + 13 ° СAccommodation: Suite price from $ 1100 per day.Entertainment: You can take part in a safari or just watch the animals from the hotel window.Back