The Paris Hotel Monte Cristo has become a continuation of an entertaining historical theme proposed by Agence Favorite designers. Young Parisian women Pauline D'Op and Dolphin Sauvage, graduates of Ecole des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, work with C.O.Q. The network develops a model of chamber hotels with a pleasant home environment and special service.
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Caribbean home of Dumas, author of the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo", became the starting point of the decor. Velvet, silk fabrics, custom-made furniture and handmade accessories are combined with an eclectic mix of kunshtyuk: stuffed tropical birds, tapestries, unusual lamps, porcelain with a hotel monogram.
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Hotel Monte Cristo boasts the first specialized rum bar in Paris. With an extensive collection of fragrant rums, including vintage ones, the institution offers to spend the evening casually sipping cocktails under palm leaves. Perhaps with a novel in hand.