Laconic design is the art of concentrating on the main thing, ”the specialists of the German factory Duravit say. This approach is close to the Frenchman Philip Stark, who has a long-standing relationship with the German brand. Together they have already released nine collections. The first, Starck 1, appeared twenty-three years ago and is still being successfully sold. Apparently, the same long life is destined for the ME by Starck series.
Related: Duravit: Three Premieres of the Jubilee Year
In ME by Starck, the author demonstrates his recognizable style: a design that is not subject to obsolescence. Trumps Stark - verified form out of time, good proportions, no frills. Explicit luck - the variability of solutions: only for a washbasin, the designer has provided nine different versions. Thanks to a large selection of sizes and shapes, the collection is adapted to the space of any size and configuration, satisfies the needs for pure aesthetics and fits into various lifestyles. Thus, the collection of the French master reflects one of the main trends in modern design - the desire for personalization.

The “author's signature” is a narrow edge that runs around the perimeter of the sinks; it can also be found on toilet bowls and urinals. Philippe Starck and Duravit paid tribute to modern technologies: thanks to the new development, the toilet bowls and bidets of the series have less weight and, from the point of view of shape, are solid harmonious volumes. The comfort and hygiene provide an open wash rim using Rimless technology, as well as a complete set with a new toilet seat with a SensoWash Slim shower. The collection is expanded by baths, shower trays, accessories. Plumbing equipment is ideally packaged with the L-Cube furniture series.

Plumbing may have a HygieneGlaze 2.0 ceramic surface. - This is an improved modification of HygieneGlaze, developed two years ago. After the successful emergence of a new technology on the market, the Duravit research team continued the tests and tests - and this is an impressive result.
New glaze HygieneGlaze 2.0 is melted into the material during firing and stored in it for a long time. The production process provides a constant impact. Glaze is not only effective, but also acts extremely quickly. After six hours, almost 90 percent of the bacteria die. After 12 hours, this number increases to 99.9 percent, thereby achieving the same efficiency as in the previous version, HygieneGlaze, but it takes half the time. After 24 hours, almost one hundred percent of the bacteria are destroyed - a previously unattainable level of protection.

The effectiveness of the material is based on the oligodynamic effect, that is, positively charged metal ions act on bacteria in small quantities. In the already patented new material, additional activation mechanisms and components were used in comparison with the original version. HygieneGlaze 2.0 formulation contains metal ions and other substances in a completely different combination.
HygieneGlaze 2.0 can be ordered for all toilet bowls and urinals of the ME by Starck series, as well as P3 Comforts, Vero Air.