Когда на дачном участке появляется дом и забор, наступает пора задуматься о создании и других обязательных удобств. И первым в этом списке стоит установка туалета. После того как владелец определился с местом для него, можно переходить к сооружению этого необходимого элемента дачного быта. Чаще всего дачники останавливают выбор на традиционных уборных with a cesspool. Хотя некоторые владельцы, которые располагают достаточным временем и финансами, отдают предпочтение другим нестандартным туалетным конструкциям.
- 1 Types of country toilets
- 2 How to make a sump?
- 3 Schemes of summer septic tanks
- 3.1 Training
- 3.2 Building Assembly
- 4 Should I buy?
- 4.1 Materials and quantity
- 5 Tips masters
- 6 Conclusion
Types of country toilets
All restrooms available today can be presented in the following versions:
- toilet with cesspool;
- a bathroom with no cesspool.
The latter type can include such constructions as dry closets and powder closets.
To date, designers offer enough models of dry closets for street use, differing in the absence of sewage pits. And here the owner needs to decide which option would be preferable for him - a bio-toilet or a usual cesspool. The cesspool is chosen in cases where you want to save as much as possible on the construction of such a street bathroom. Choosing a bio-toilet, the owner needs to prepare for the fact that its construction and maintenance will cost a lot of money, but for some it is the only option.
Can select a number of conditionswhich do not allow to consider the option with the construction of a toilet with a cesspool:
- the presence of shale or limestone in the area;
- high location of groundwater;
- a large number of people who will use the restroom.
Understand how to build a toilet in the country, you can only after considering the features of each design. Restrooms offered today may be classified into several types depending on the method of collection and disposal of waste:
- dry closet;
- пудр-клозет;
- backlash;
- with a cesspool.
When it is clear how to build a toilet, but there is no possibility to build a bio-toilet, gardeners choose powder-closet. In fact, it is a country toilet without a cesspool. Instead, they use a sewage tank, which is cleaned manually from time to time. The peat bog is the active substance that provides the dissolution of the effluent. Usually one kilogram of this component is enough to dispose of up to 10 liters of sewage, as a result, they turn into useful fertilizers.
The play-closet is a combination of a home bathroom and a cesspool. If you are interested in a similar version of the restroom, then you need to prepare for the fact that its maintenance will require the involvement of a cesspool machine for regular cleaning. If you can’t meet this requirement, you’ll have to choose another lavatory option.
The main thing that makes a restroom with a drain pit a more attractive option on the background of a bathroom without installing a drain is simplicity of work. The owner of such a toilet eliminates the need to periodically remove accumulated feces, bear the cost of maintenance of the bathroom and the purchase of special solvents and absorbents. Each summer resident can make a cesspool with his own hands, but for greater aesthetics it can be equipped with a house for a toilet.
How to make a sump?
To the bathroom was made at the cottage according to all the rules, it is important to accurately observe certain sanitary and hygienic requirements:
place for toilet should be at least 20 m from the well;
- it is unacceptable to place a bathroom in the very center of the courtyard;
- when choosing a place for the toilet, it is necessary to take into account that it should be at least 1 m away from the border of the neighbor's section;
- during the immediate installation of the toilet, it is necessary to take into account the wind rose, so as not to smell an unpleasant smell;
- when choosing a place for the toilet, you need to take care that there is an opportunity for the recovery truck to enter.
To comply with all standards of hygiene is necessary take into consideration following points:
- The drain pit must have a depth of at least 2 m;
- The drain pit is made in a square configuration, in which the length of each side should be 1 m. It is also possible to make a pit in the form of a circle with an inner diameter of 2 m, so that reinforced concrete rings can be installed there.
Among the possible methods of sealing the pit for sewage, the greatest reliability is ensured by the installation of concrete rings. This option preferred for the following reasons:
- the construction of reinforced concrete rings will not allow drains to penetrate into the groundwater;
- You will protect against future crop contamination.
Using reinforced concrete rings for the cesspool, you can guarantee a high level of sealing sewage in the country.
A couple of decades ago, wooden boards or bricks were used to strengthen the sewage pit from the inside. Now in order to securely lock the drains, use concrete rings and make the bottom on the basis of concrete screed. True, this option has one important drawback: to clean a similar cesspool, to attract an assignment machine. However, if your dacha is used not all year round, then you will not incur significant expenses with keeping the country bathroom clean.
Considering the various options for installing a septic tank in the country, many owners choose a drainage system. However, such a variant of the bathroom is advisable only if the family uses water in small quantities. The fact is that if the rate of water consumption is large enough, it will create certain difficulties with waste disposal. In addition, when using the drainage system, the owner and his family members will constantly smell in the yard, as in this case there is a high risk of pollution of the groundwater.
In general, the drainage system is done in the same way as described above. The difference is that it does not require the installation of a reinforced concrete slab, instead a pit filled with a layer of sand and gravel:
- sand should be coarse-grained and have a thickness of about 10 cm;
- crushed granite is recommended to use a small fraction and cover with a layer of 5 cm.
The upper part of the septic tank is covered with a coating based on a heat-glued geotextile. However, deciding to build such a septic tank, you need to take into account that environmental services have a negative attitude towards such structures.
Schemes of summer septic tanks
When the cesspool is ready, you can proceed to the construction of a house for a septic tank. And here it is necessary to decide the question, which drawing of a country toilet is better to use? Traditionally, the toilet for the garden is made in the form of a frame that is sheathed with the help of building material.
Technology house construction for a septic tank in the country requires the erection of a columnar foundation. It is imperative to perform waterproofing of the structure, for which a layer of roofing material is placed between the foundation and the wooden box. Recently, more and more owners are moving away from the traditional birdhouse, building instead a hut house, which is distinguished by a more unusual execution. And besides the appearance the lodge for a lavatory in the form of a tent provides the features on construction.
Birdhouse is a structure equipped with a sloping roof, which has a bevel to the rear wall. As for the toilet, made in the version of the hut, it provides a triangular shape, which supplemented by a gable roof.
Cottage-hut is the preferred option compared with the birdhouse, which is manifested in the following benefits:
- the septic tank is reliably protected from rain;
- during the construction of the house there is no need to manufacture the supporting frame;
- side space can be used as a place for a tank in which peat or other materials can be stored.
The restroom, which is made in the form of a hut, is distinguished by the fact that the gable roof simultaneously performs the function of the side walls of the structure.
Make a drawing such a restroom can every owner without much difficulty. The very process of making such a version of the toilet is step by step as follows:
- The process of making the toilet begins with the creation of a platform-floor, which is then sewn up with boards, providing for a hole. Used boards must be treated with antifungal compound in two layers;
- when the platform is ready, it is attached to the base;
- go to the manufacture of the front and rear walls, which is trimmed with the help of clapboard.
Assembly design
This stage of work is in accordance with the drawing and comes down to installing walls.
for fixing the walls to the floor-floor they use technological boards, which are subsequently removed;
- it is necessary to make a crate, which is then treated with a waterproofing compound;
- begin to make the roof, using boards placed overlap. After fastening to the roofing screws on the roof, the ridge is installed;
- the manufacture of the toilet is completed by mounting the doors and decorating the opening with a casing.
The restroom, performed in the version of the hut, is a fairly compact design. During the installation of this type of country toilet, it is necessary to install a transom under the roof. To provide the opportunity for airing, it should be done in the form of a triangle.
Considering the roofing materials for the bathroom, you can Select the following options:
- Decking;
- Slate;
- Galvanized gofrolisty;
- Other materials.
Should I buy?
Realizing that the owner cannot do without the dacha toilet, a dilemma may arise: to buy a ready-made model of a house or to make a dacha-type dacha with your own hands according to a drawing? If you are not sure that you will be able to make just such a version of the toilet that you want, then it will be best to purchase the finished product. However, the task of making a house from a wooden base and lining the eurolining is within the power of any villa owner.
Getting started, you need prepare the necessary tools:
- plane;
- hammer;
- screwdriver;
- self-tapping screws;
- nails.
If you at least once had to use the above list of tools, then you probably will not be difficult to build a house for the country toilet with your own hands.
Materials and quantity
- edged board - one 6 m long, the second - 4 m;
- flooring board - 4 pieces 6 m long;
- lining 3 m long - from two to four packs;
- asphalt - not less than 4 m;
- ruberoid - 1,5 m;
- sand - 2 buckets;
- galvanized nails - 2 kg;
- nails for lining (without hats) - 2 kg;
- Slate nails - 20 pcs .;
- self-tapping screws - handful;
- slate - 2 sheets (8-wave);
- 1 piece galvanized iron sheet for skate;
- door with fittings - 1 pc .;
- antifungal composition.
Tips masters
During the construction of the country toilet it is necessary to ensure him sufficient stability so that even a strong wind would not be afraid of him. To do this, you need to firmly secure the lower part of the building.
- Country bathroom should be located 20 m above the ground level.
- It is only necessary to start the lining of the toilet over the pit after you have installed the floor and the toilet seat. Start making a frame next to it, then fix it on the finished base. This work is quite complicated so that it can be done correctly alone. Therefore, you can not do without at least two assistants.
- During each stage of the installation of the toilet make sure that the vertical and horizontal structures are maintained.
- Getting to the final work on the installation of a country toilet, you should install the door with the opening to the outside. If the block opens inwards, then at some point it will be difficult for you to get into the building.
- A light window should be provided in the toilet so that it does not have to waste electricity in the daytime.
- Protect the wooden frame from moisture, for which between it and the stone base, perform waterproofing based on roofing material.
- If you opt out of a wall finish using vinyl wall paneling, you can choose painting instead.
- Before proceeding with the installation of a wooden sheet, apply a layer of antiseptic to each section.
Toilet in the country is a required element, which must be taken care of by each owner. Today, there are many options for this construction, so the owner has the opportunity to choose for themselves the most optimal design, taking into account the characteristics of the site and the preferences of the gardener. By itself, the process of manufacturing a country toilet is not difficult, but if you do not have sufficient experience in construction, then you can do it easier - buy finished products. Although the construction of the toilet is quite simple and even the person with minimal experience in working with carpentry tools can make it.