It would seem, what a simple thing - a country toilet on the site, but to build it in compliance with all the rules and regulations complicates the task. The landlord needs not only to study the construction plan, to technically execute it correctly, but to choose the right place on the site and to comply with sanitary and hygiene requirements and building regulations. Do not forget about the code on administrative offenses, Article 8.6 of which regulates the construction of a closet.
- 1 Rules and recommendations on the arrangement of the toilet at the cottage
- 2 Types of outdoor toilets
- 2.1 Backlash
- 2.2 Пудр-клозет
- 2.3 Birdhouse toilet with cesspool
- 3 How to build a toilet with a cesspool in the country with their own hands
Rules and recommendations on the arrangement of the toilet in the country
When building and equipping the toilet, you should consider:
The title of the regulatory document article. | Norms |
SNiP: 30−02−97 Art. 6.8 | Minimum distance: From home to the restroom = 12 m. Minimum distance: From the well to the restroom = 8 m. |
Code of Administrative Offenses 8.6 | The use of backlash closet, with untight cesspool, discharge of excreta into compost, is regarded as a "damage to the earth" |
Norms изучены и на плане земельного участка отмечены possible construction sites this structure. But when choosing a particular place, we fulfill the aesthetic requirements: away from the eyes. If the site is located on a slope, then choose a place for a toilet at the bottom of the site.
The main task of the landlord is to build a toilet so that the spread of unpleasant odor is close to zero. To do this, use different technological details.
Types of outdoor toilets
Depending on how to build a septic tankThey are divided into the following types:
- Backlash;
- Пудр-клозет;
- Birdhouse toilet with cesspool.
This toilet is quite expensive, made from concrete blocks or monolithic concrete. The goal is to completely seal the cesspool so that the spread of bad odors is almost completely absent.
It is convenient to make such a toilet a separate building. Equip toilet cabin vent hole. The reception funnel is made of galvanized iron, but can be made of earthenware or enameled cast iron.
The total cost of such a bathroom is many times greater than, for example, the cost of a toilet with a cesspool. Empty contents can only be pumped out. assenizatorsky machine.
This type of toilet to give, you can call peaty. In areas where wood processing is carried out, sawdust is used for this purpose. Sand can also be used, but it is denser and heavier.
Equipped with a toilet special tank for collecting faeces, volume from 10 to 15 liters, which is installed under the toilet seat. Nearby is a tank with peat or small sawdust.
The way to eliminate the smell is simple, after each use of the toilet, pour the contents of the tank dry filler. Empty it manually. The advantage of such a device is that you can place the powder-closet even indoors.
Peat-fecal mixture at the site can be folded into a compost pile, and with the use of the drug «Biocomposterin» compost is prepared in a very short time. After 1 year, the mixture will turn into a very loose compost, use it to fertilize the site.
Without the use of special preparations, the compost matures at least 3 yearsif it is not shoveled, the compost will ripen in 2 years, if the waste is often mixed, air is given.
It is possible to arrange powder-closet on the plot with your own hands. This is a budget option for toilet to give. Produced by industry dry closetsThis is a refined powder-closets.
Birdhouse toilet with cesspool
More often than others in cottages build "Birdhouses" pit toilets. A toilet seat in the form of a platform is erected above the cesspool. As far as filling, the cesspool is cleaned with the help of as-steaming equipment.
In order to save the earth from worms, the pit should be Concreted. In the villages, concrete rings of small diameter are used, the bottom of which is cemented or metal barrels in which the upper part is knocked out.
For sewage toilets additional prohibitions: they can not be built near springs, ponds, wells. Drains can drain over long distances.
Clear recommendations can not be given, each site is individual. But if it is big, take the closets as far as possible. If you live with good neighbors, arrange and build latrines nearby.
In villages, birdhouses are transferred to another place. once every four years. The old place is covered with sand, sawdust, peat. For three years, everything rot and turns into black soil. Birdhouse booth can serve up to 9 years. The cost of such a booth is not high. Materials are used most affordable, but more often it is natural wood.
How to build a toilet with a cesspool in the country with their own hands
- Pit. We arrange the cesspool in a place where it will not harm water resources and land. Dig a hole a little wider than the size of the prepared barrels and rings. Put the ground not far away. Ram the ground, insert the container and put the previously withdrawn ground between the container wall and the ground, tamp. Capacity is installed.
- We lay down, temporarily, with boards and proceed to the manufacture of the support and frame of the bathroom.
- Support. For the front wall where the door is located, you need to install two supports. В случае если выгребная яма будет вписана в размер основы туалета, потребуется еще two supports для задней стенки. Опорой могут стать бетонные блоки, толстые деревянные столбики, столбики, выложенные из кирпича.
Frame Размеры каркаса на схеме даны оптимальные. Ofменить размеры, по ширине или длине можно на усмотрение хозяина дачи. Делать сооружение выше не целесообразно.
- Of wooden beam, according to the sizes specified in the scheme, a frame is made. The design will be more reliable if you strengthen it with braces. Creating more angles makes the frame harder. To determine the height of the chair, measure the distance from the heel to the knee, approximately from 45 to 53 cm, at this distance from the bottom of the frame, cut the transverse beam. The base for the pedestal is ready.
On the back wall, cross the bars at the top cut in, providing free air outlet - this is natural ventilation.
- This window can be inserted small mosquito net. Or partially close the piece of polycarbonate.
- A door. If the toilet door is purchased ready, in its size, install a doorway of two vertical bars.
- For a simple "birdhouse" to make the door itself is not difficult. In accordance with the size of the scheme or in size, between two vertically set bars, knock together the frame of the door. The door can be dialed from boardsby screwing them into two transverse and one diagonal bars.
- It is necessary to do a marking for hanging of loops on the most ready door. Chisel choose excess wood on the thickness of the loop and fasten the hinge sash. Trying on the door in the frame, pencil out place and depth of excavation to install the hinge door. Screw the screws carefully, they should be at the same level with the height of the hinged flaps.
- Roof. The size of the building allows you to cover the roof over the crate without using lag. The crate is made of board, 2.5 cm thick. Any material for the roof will do. As a temporary cover, you can use two-layer ruberoid. Any roofing fit.
- The stool. На каркас набиваем обрешетку из строганых, четверченых boards. Материал должен быть сухим. Выпиливаем отверстие по размерам finished plastic coverif you have chosen it for such a ministry. If desired, the size of the hole can deviate from the standard, then the cover can be made of plywood, upholstered or pasted over with oilcloth. We fasten a comfortable handle.
Housing Sheathed toilet housing preferably planed dry board, with a selected quarter. Its width does not matter. To upholster, depending on the idea, both in a horizontal way and in a vertical way.
- Lighting. If it is convenient, you can conduct electricity and install a switch and lamp holder. For natural lighting do slit the top of the door or glaze the upper part of the wall above the door.
Inexpensive and convenient design is ready. Sometimes all construction work on the site begins with such a structure. The place where the king himself walked on foot should be comfortable, without drafts. Applying the rules for the construction of such a toilet, do not harm your neighbors, yourself and keep natural resources clean.