To admirers of the palace style: watches in jester caps, beds with crowns ...

A photo: Dmitry Livshits, Vitaly Nefedov, Peter Lebedev, Kirill Ovchinnikov
Leading headings: Dilara Muradova
Magazine: N1 (101) 2006
The royal court and all associated with it designers love no less than antiquity, if not more. By the way, we also: the readership of Alexandre Dumas and Charles Perrault automatically falls into the admirers of the palace style. What is this yard - a separate story. Armchairs, thrones, beds with crowns, watches in jester's caps, which are exhibited that year at the main exhibitions in Europe, look much more royal than their modest prototypes - exhibits of museums. It is in the palace style that the fusion influence is most noticeable: the chandeliers are entangled in cobwebs made from Cocoon synthetic material, and the chairs are covered with a fabric with the image of Japanese manga.