Judging by these two New Year decorations, florists can not only masterfully make bouquets, but also tell fairy tales

Magazine: Decor N1 (200) 2015
On New Year's Day, I especially want a fairy tale. And some winter, about the Snow Queen for example. I remember the main character lived in a magnificent palace, built of ice. Inside that amazing structure, crystals mysteriously twinkled, everything sparkled and sparkled. This perfect image of winter beauty inspired Greek florists (someone who can dream about snow) to create a festive decoration in a “crystal” range. Designers used white and cream flowers, in common with textiles and tableware (provided by TOGAS).
The second design, from a fairy tale with fanfare, as about Cinderella. Her happy ending is played out: loving hearts are reunited, a feast is arranged. The table is set, all in gold: candlesticks, appliances, glasses filled with champagne. The main decoration is a lush composition of white orchids. In a fairy tale, twelve hours had already struck a long time ago, but we need to wait — quite a bit.
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