Theater one bedroom

"Theatrical" light

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Leading headings: Julia Sakharova

Magazine: Decor N11 (133) 2008

A luxurious interior with lush decor, fabrics and furs will never look oversaturated or too dark if you correctly apply the “theatrical” light.

Classic chandelier in this bedroom is not so much for lighting, as for the surroundings. For the lighting meet the ceiling lights. Like theatrical spotlights, they accentuate the significant details of the room, primarily the luxurious bed.

It seemsthat the dresser is lit only with a desk lamp; in fact, its light is supported by the bright light of a spotlight, beautifully uniting a group of objects. You can direct the beam to the curtain, to the wall, to the ceiling — there are many scenarios.