Siberian pop art

Salon of mobile communication "Hyphen Suite" in Novosibirsk Alexey Shapovalov

Passing the gallery

A photo: Konstantin Dubovec

Text: Alexandra Arkhipova

Architect: Alexey Shapovalov

Performance Manager: Yevgeny Narezhny

Magazine: H (76) 2003

The center of Novosibirsk is almost entirely built up with gray constructivist buildings, among which there are true masterpieces. Modern architects can not ignore this side. Anyway, the objects arising in this environment, enter into an active dialogue with him. The Salon of Mobile Communication "Hyphen Suite" (30, Romanova Str.) Is a case of a beautiful and harmonious dialogue, the interaction of two revolutionary aesthetics. The interior is designed in the best traditions of pop art, which grew out of the poetics of consumption. “I wanted to convey the sensations I experienced from one mobile phone model,” says the architect. Bright, "open" color, plastic rhythm, hypertrophied "mobile" images: buttons, displays, panels. The center of the composition is a streamlined stand that resembles either a “main” button or a telephone receiver. Bright imagery and the share of irony, measured so as not to alienate the ordinary visitor and at the same time be understood to be sophisticated in matters of communicative art and philosophy of pop art.