apartment of Moscow architect Mad Aliyev Mad Aliyev
Passing the gallery
A photo: Alexey Knyazev, Vitaly Nefedov
Material prepared: Dmitry Kopylov
Project author: Мэд Алиев
Magazine: N10 (55) 2001
At first glance, the character of the famous Moscow architect Mad Aliyev is completely impossible. But this is a deceptive impression. Due to chronic employment, eternal time pressure, there is practically no time for normal communication. But people who know Aliyev well enough speak with one voice about his peculiar charisma, a charming sense of humor and some kind of dynamic gallantry. “Nine years ago, I needed a small two-room apartment, something like a“ modest refuge of a wretched artist. ” Over the years, the orphanage of an inveterate bachelor, due to acquired experience and accumulated spiritual values, has become somewhat cramped, but nevertheless I feel like a fish in water here. Speaking of fish. In the large round aquarium lives real shell pike. A copy is rare and far from innocuous. Every day I gently lower two or three fish into her predatory mouth, every day and gently (so as not to cut off my fingers). In addition to pike, other representatives of flora and fauna constantly live in my apartment. For example, mantises and phalanxes. At one time, a small serval lived with me (for those who do not know, a cheetah), nicknamed Shishkin. In memory of my pet, I still have a small porcelain figure, which appeared in a completely mystical way (but this is a long story). And now she has taken a special place among other animal figurines, which I bring from all over the world. I am a principled opponent of murder, especially our smaller brothers, but nevertheless a rather rare collection of dried insects was placed on my walls. Perhaps the most exotic "exhibit" of my apartment is a lifetime portrait of Lavrentiy Beria (but without the inscription "dear Madus in memory of working together"). I value them not because I share his political principles, which, by the way, Beria was absent, but because I sincerely consider Lavrentiy Pavlovich the greatest organizer and manager of all times and peoples. The constant presence in the house of such an extraordinary and ambiguous personality does not allow to relax, it helps to keep the fighting form. I needed a place where I could sleep, eat, abstract from hard work. As a true scorpion, I prefer dark-colored wallpapers, always closed blinds - I always have twilight in my house. If I make a new apartment, it will be completely different, generally solved in a different way, but in any case it will remain confidences, dear and I need sex. It is important for me to isolate myself in my housing from the outside world, to taste solitude, to sever all ties with the surrounding theater of the absurd, to realize myself outside time and space. I want to keep communication to a minimum: I have enough of endless contacts at all levels of the social ladder - from construction workers to politicians. I consciously chose for myself (and absolutely not impose it on others) work, creativity and creation. Aliyev has the right to call his apartment as he pleases - “mediocre,” “disgusting,” but you rarely see such “sophisticated” stylish interiors. Round, like a submarine porthole, the aquarium resembles Captain Nemo's “eye”. Dark green smooth and smooth color reigns in the kitchen. Elegant boxes, original lamps and lamps, butterflies and scorpions, "porcelain and bronze on the table" ... Aliyev can say anything.