Lions and all-all-all

Hotel Elsa's Kopje in Kenya

Passing the gallery

Text: Marina Volkova

Magazine: N10 (110) 2006

African safari has long been listed in the top ten most interesting vacation opportunities. Another continent, exotic nature, no less exotic animals - isn’t it a reason to go deep into African prairies?

Living in the Kenyan nature reserve, where your neighbors will be the most wild animals ... If this prospect does not scare you, on the contrary, it even stirs you, then Elsa’s Kopje is a direct hotel - a luxury hotel in the heart of Northern Kenya. This hotel appeared in a rather unusual way: the cinema became the impetus for its creation. And the movie dedicated to the lions.

Если дети знают все об этих животных благодаря диснеевскому мультику, то взрослые, интересующиеся львиным миром, ближе познакомились с ним после выхода на экран в 1999 фильма "Рожденная свободной", режиссером которого был британец Джордж Адамсон (George Adamson). Адамсона неслучайно называют лучшим другом львов: он буквально бредил ими, несколько лет наблюдал за их жизнью, затем стал фиксировать свои наблюдения на пленке. Главной героиней "Рожденной свободной" была львица по имени Эльза, а действие разворачивалось в знаменитом кенийском заповеднике Meru National Park. После выхода фильма на экран и неожиданной популярности у широкой аудитории компания CHELI&PEACOCK, занимающаяся организацией кенийских сафари, там, где снимал Адамсон, решила построить отель.

It is logical that he was named after the screen resident of these places - Elsa. The English word kopje, which is translated into Russian as "a small hill," was added to the proper name. Thus, Elsa’s Kopje appeared. When you drive up to the hotel, you first wonder: where is he, actually? Guides smile slyly. We turn - here and Elsa. Nine cottages, mini-palaces lurked behind the hill Mughwango Hill. Each of them - the so-called room-with-a-view: one of the walls of the bungalow is simply absent. The cottage is open African expanses. The bedroom and the living room are on one common plateau, there are no partitions between them. The common space is designed in the same style with the use of authentic materials and decorative objects. This is the perfect place to relax between safari races. And they are fascinating. "This deserted, overgrown with thorny bushes area occupies an area of ​​more than 300 thousand square kilometers. The fauna of this land is extremely rich," George Adamson's wife Joy described the territory of Meru National Park. Meru Park was founded in 1968. He gained worldwide fame thanks to white rhinos. Here you can also admire gazelles, zebras and giraffes. And, of course, the lions. And in numerous tributaries of the Tana, the largest river in Kenya, see crocodiles and hippos.

Hotel Elsa’s KopjeFlight: Moscow - Nairobi - Moscow - from $ 900, then - by Air Kenya flights to Meru National Park.Weather: average temperature in January is + 24 ° С.Accommodation: from $ 500 per day. Entertainment: safari, safari and once again safari.