Florist Sergei Malyuchenko says that these compositions are intended as a pure technical experiment. But it seems to us that it was not without a bit of magic

Leading headings: Marina Volkova
A photo: - Malyuchenko Sergey
Magazine: N5 (204) 2015
Very soon, spring will come into full force, and there will be no trace of winter. Only these “crystal” works will remain. They are so similar to ice sculptures, but much stronger than them, because the frame is made of epoxy resin. The author of the compositions, florist Sergey Malyuchenko (“Flowers“ DELL'ARTE ”salon) loves to experiment. He says: “I used a plastic material that allows you to create the most unusual forms. Opens such open space for imagination! Moreover, as if by magic, one object can be easily transformed into another. Technology provides such an opportunity. These spectacular, dynamic floral compositions should play the first violin. They will look perfect in the center of the table. On the occasion of a reception, for example, it is possible to assemble a set for several rooms: a hall, a main dining room, and flight of stairs. Why not put them on the terrace so that they please the eye, until the flowers appear around the house. ”
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