Vanajanlinna in the vicinity of Helsinki

Leading headings: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N11 (144) 2009
Когда-то на территории, где теперь расположен гостиничный комплекс Vanajanlinna Golf&Country Club, находилось средневековое поместье. Первые упоминания о нем fromносятся аж к 1374 году. В начале XX века землю приобрел энергичный хирург (и по совместительству акционер ряда крупных предприятий) Карл Вильгельм Розенлев. Он купил еще и два расположенных по соседству владения.
Rozenlev dreamed of hunting grounds. Five thousand hectares was enough for him to arrange a real hunting castle here and organize hunting for elks. Castle residence was built for a long time and in detail. Oak floors, marble fireplaces, brick walls, roof tiles and granite gates were all made from local materials (with the exception of mahogany wood for wall decoration). At the final stage, they took up gardening: architect Wengt Shalin set up a picturesque park. In addition to old plantations (for example, the centuries-old sprawling linden tree has been preserved), new ones have appeared here. Now all three floors of that - historical - buildings occupy the premises of the hotel. The decoration has been preserved from the time of Rozenlev. And in the rooms, and in restaurants. The hotel has gradually become a complex. Now here is the Linna SPA and Decleor beauty salon. In general, Vanajanlinna is an unusual place for low-key Scandinavia: there is a lot of everything at once. So you come for the weekend - and you want to stay for good.